Monday, June 05, 2006

Keot Firmly In God's Hands

"Today's Devotion" For June 3, 2006

Read: Romans 8:28-39; Colossians 1:15-23


"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels or demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38, 39)

Over the past few weeks, I've been writing "Today's Devotion" with an eye on the confirmation verses chosen by the members of my daughter, Marion's confirmation class for their confirmations on May 7, 2006. While I've written a number of devotions in the past based on verses 38 and 39 of Romans chapter 8, today I want to focus on what the choosing of these verses tells us about the spiritual insight and maturity of the young man who chose them for his confirmation verses at the ripe old age of 14.

Adults have a generally good understanding of how difficult life can be. Adult Christians generally understand that standing up for Jesus and living a God-pleasing life is both difficult and, at times, dangerous. The power of Sin in the world is manifest everyday in media reports of crime, war, pornography, economic troubles and inequities, disregard for human life, and a general "me first" attitude that seems to be increasingly prevalent in our culture and our world. That Christian adults may fear standing up for Jesus in their lives in word and deed, and find it difficult to meet the challenge of God-pleasing living, it doesn't seem reasonable for a 14 year old to have the same appreciation or concerns about such things as we adults do.

Yet, just as we have need to hear St. Paul's encouragement and statement of faith - "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, neither angels or demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:38, 39) - so also does every young person. They, too, are aware of the challenges to their faith which they face in school, in their neighborhoods, on the internet, and on the streets. They see the future as a hopeful thing, and yet, because of the proliferation of information in our day and age, they recognize that the world is also a dangerous place. Some are willing to come to grips with that reality; others are not.

Spiritual growth and maturity takes on myriad meanings in our culture, but for God's children it means acknowledging our sins, recognizing our need for a Savior, and, growing in faith, trusting that we are in the palm of God's hand. There isn't one of us, young or old, that doesn't have fears of the present and future. Not one of us can say for certain that we don't have doubts about how we might hold up to temptation and the challenges of the world. The comfort and strength we receive from God's assurance that nothing can separate us from His love for us in Jesus is what we need to know. Whether we're a 14 year-old boy or girl, or a wizened older man or woman - or anything in between - we need God's assurance and we stand on His promise that we are kept firmly in His hands each and every day. We belong to Him. Nothing can take us from Him. Our lives, therefore, are filled with hope and the ability to overcome our fears for we are His.

Prayer: Father, I thank and praise You for Your constant and certain love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness to me. Not only these things but also Your certain presence in my life through faith in Jesus encourage and strengthen me every day. I know, by faith, that nothing can separate me from Your love in Christ Jesus. I know, by faith, that nothing can prevent Your blessings to me. Help me to be a faithful witness in my life of Your boundless love, infinite mercy, marvelous grace, and undeserved forgiveness by how I live and how I speak and how I touch the lives of others for Jesus. Help me to live a life devoid of fearfulness and filled with peace because You are my God and Father - my Savior and Lord. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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