Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Living A Worshipful Life

"Today's Devotion" For June 21, 2006

Read: Psalm 95; Hebrews 3:7-14


"Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care." (Psalm 95:6, 7)

How would you describe your life? What is it that defines you as a person? If someone were to ask you what is most important to you, how would you answer? What would be the most important thing you could do with your life if you had the opportunity?

Everyone of whom we might ask these questions would probably answer in a different way. No two answers would be the same, because no two people are the same. Some people might answer by saying "It's none of your business!" Others might respond with dreams and goals related to gaining great wealth, fame, or prestige. Still others might respond by talking about all the things they've accomplished and how much more they expect to accomplish. And then there would be those who would answer these questions by describing themselves as servants of God, serving other people in Jesus' name, and putting their whole lives and trust in His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness.

Psalm 95 gives us a way of answering those questions ourselves. The Psalmist issues a "call to worship" as would be offered during a time of worship in the tabernacle or in a church today. It calls upon us to praise God as we worship and to worship Him with our lives by living obediently and responding to His call to us with servant hearts focused, not on ourselves, but on Him and loving others in His name. It's a call to worship and the obedience of faith in response to the loving and merciful hand of God who provides us with every good thing and has sent His salvation to us that we might live forgiven and restored lives with Him. As the Psalmist writes by the Holy Spirit's inspiration, we "are the flock under His care" (Ps. 95:7c), and receive His total and gracious attention.

In Jesus we have been called to a life of worship, for our worship doesn't just take place in the pew on Sunday, or at the family altar, or in our room where we go to be alone to pray. In fact, worship also takes place in our daily living as we live forgiven lives, filled with the joy of service to God and others in Jesus' name. How we speak to others praises and worships God. How we care for others gives thanks to and worships God. How we carry out our daily tasks in our jobs, professions, and every vocation - "calling" - which God gives us to accomplish His purposes, declares to the world that we are His dearly beloved children and our lives are lives of worship and praise. We live worshipful lives by God's grace and mercy in Jesus and in so doing we fill the world with words of grace and peace from God, our heavenly Father.

Prayer: Father, I can honestly say that I am too frequently guilty of failing to live a life of worship and praise. All too often I find myself caring more about me than about others. Too often I'm guilty of putting my selfish desires ahead of obedience to You, loving You above all things, and loving my neighbor as myself. Forgive me for my disobedience, gracious Father, for Jesus' sake and strengthen my faith that I might see all of my life as an opportunity to praise and worship You. Help me to declare Your praises to all I meet with how I act, how I speak, and how I care for others. Let people see Jesus through me so they, too, might know Your love, receive Your forgiveness, and come to lead worshipful lives in Your presence now and forever. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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