Friday, April 21, 2006

You Can Depend On It!

"Today's Devotion" For April 21, 2006

Read: John 20:30-31; Psalm 119:105-112


"But these things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name." (John 20:31)

People are not generally trusting souls. Most of us have been "burned" not just a few times by those who say one thing and do another. We've found ourselves trusting what others have said, only to find out later on that they've either lied to us or "streched" the truth a lot. Over time, many of us have become a bit "jaded" when it comes to what others tell us, particularly if what they're saying seems to be either "too good to be true," or extraordinarily impossible.

No doubt all the accounts of Jesus being alive - that He had resurrected from the grave - were met with grave doubt by more people than Thomas (cf. John 20:24-29). How could this be? How is it possible that He could be alive? Besides the disciples' account to Thomas about Jesus' first appearance to them on Easter night, no doubt Thomas had heard the story of Mary Magdalene as well as the disciples on the road to Emmaus. Incredible, unbelievable, and "you've got to be kidding," were no doubt the expressions going through Thomas's mind. What's more, based on John's statement of his purpose for writing His Gospel, there were quite probably a whole lot of people who had doubts about Jesus' purpose, His life, His ministry, and His resurrection.

John has given us a "sampling" of Jesus' "miraculous signs" proving He has risen from the dead according to His promise. He seems to be telling us that if the accounts he has written aren't enough, then giving us more won't increase the likelihood of anyone believing Jesus truly is risen. Sin always looks for any excuse to disregard God's Word and promises, often continuing to "seek signs" that what God says is the truth. We are reminded of this in Luke's account of the Rich Man and Poor Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31). As he suffers the torments of Hell, the "Rich Man" saw "Poor Lazarus" in heaven at "Abraham's bosom." In agony he cries out to Abraham to send Lazarus from heaven to earth to warn his father and brothers about the torment to come if they don't repent and believe God's Word. Abraham's response put things in perspective, "If they do not listen to Moses and the prophets, they will not be convinced, even if someone rises from the dead" (Luke 16:31).

What a powerful reminder of what happened when Jesus' did, in fact, rise from the dead. As John tells us, "these things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you might have life in His name" (John 20:31). All the evidence anyone needs of God's salvation of humanity in the suffering, death, and resurrection of Christ is written in Scripture for all to see, hear, and believe for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life with God in heaven. Jesus victory over Sin, Death, and Satan as shown by His resurrection is clearly documented and attested by the Word of God and the testimony of John, Peter, the Twelve, Paul, and over 500 witnesses at the same time (I Corinthians 15:5ff.).

The power of God's promises of salvation throughout history comes to rest on Jesus' resurrection. Because He has risen and has overcome death and the grave for us, we have hope and peace, knowing that everything God promises is true and certain. Our sins are forgiven in Jesus' blood and righteousness. Hope and peace with God are restored to humanity through faith in Jesus, as He has paid the ultimate price and given the ultimate sacrifice for all of our sins. His resurrection is God's sure and certain statement that Christ's sacrifice for the sins of the world is complete, acceptable, and efficacious for all. John calls us to believe so that God's salvation of us in the resurrected Christ might be ours and heaven might be, finally, our home. John is telling us "You can depend on it!" Believing God's Word, we live it and share it so others, too, might believe and live forever.

Prayer: Father, I thank You that You are persistent in both telling and showing me how much You love me in Jesus. The final proof of Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness in Him isn't His death on the Cross, but Your raising Him from the dead, thereby stating His sacrifice for my sins and the sins of the world was complete and acceptable to You. Father, Your mercy and grace are infinite; Your patience great. I pray that You would continue to shower Your mercy and grace upon me so that I might always trust in Your Word and hold tightly to the joy of the resurrection of Jesus and the hope and promise of my own resurrection on the Last Day. Be patient with me, Father, when I fail to obey You and continue to sin against You. Let Your mercy and grace, as well as Your patience, flow through me - through my words and deeds - that I may be a powerful witness to salvation in Jesus, that others may believe and come to You forever. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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