Thursday, April 13, 2006

Emulating Our Savior's Willing Spirit

"Today's Devotion" For April 13, 2006

Read: Mark 14:32-42; Psalm 51


"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me...Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me." (Psalm 51:10, 12)

We human beings are often challenged by the battle between that is waged between our spiritual and physical beings. How often don't we make promises to ourselves that we have every intention of keeping, only to fall short of the goal because our "flesh" was weak. A good example of such a challenge is that of weight loss and weight management. How often don't people, filled with good intentions and seeking to accomplish positive, physical changes in their lives by losing weight, even going so far as to have gastric bypass surgery, end up overwhelmed by the enormity of the challenge, breaking their spirits. All their good intentions fly out the window and losing weight becomes an "impossibility." Physical maladies are often treated with drugs, especially to alleviate pain. Unfortunately, the use of such drugs can be addicting, and while a person may want to "kick" the habit, the physical challenges of doing so often overwhelm the "willingness of the spirit." We could probably list such situations of the willingness of the spirit but the weakness of the flesh until "next year, two o'clock," and still not scratch the surface of this challenge.

As we look once more at the events of that first Maundy Thursday, especially the events following the Passover meal Jesus ate with the Twelve, we are brought face to face with the reality of the battle between the flesh and the spirit. We see Jesus engaged in a spiritual struggle against the forces of Satan arrayed against Him. We watch as He struggles with the burden of bearing the sins of the world upon His shoulders (He wasn't agonizing about the dying part). We listen as He seeks His Father's strength to overcome the temptation of the flesh to avoid the agony and obey the Father's will. Yet, even as Jesus' spirit is strengthened by the Father, Peter, James, and John, brought along to "watch and pray" with Him, are overcome by their flesh and fall asleep, in spite of their "good intentions" to share Jesus' spiritual battle with Him.

We are as guilty as Peter, James, and John of "falling asleep" instead of facing the challenges of Sin in our lives. We need God to create a "pure heart" and a "steadfast spirit" in us (Ps. 51:10). We need the encouragement of Jesus' willing spirit as, in fervent prayer, He faced His task of redeeming the world and the agony of that mission. By God's grace, through the power of His Word and Spirit, we are empowered to overcome the temptations and weakness of the flesh so that we might live as redeemed and forgiven people of God. Forgiven in Christ of all our sins and we are empowered to "watch and pray" with Him so that we may "not fall into temptation." Through prayer and dependence on our Father in heaven we are led to emulate Jesus' willing spirit so that we might be willing and faithfulness witness of the Gospel, serving the Father's will in all things. Emulating Jesus' willing spirit, we, too, trust that our Father in heaven will strengthen us to do His will and touch the lives of others with His salvation in Jesus'.

Prayer: Lord Jesus Christ, You gave Your all for me, regardless of my sin and disobedience to You and the Father. Watching You bear the burden of my sins, as well as those of the whole world for all times and places, is both heartbreaking and encouraging. That You needed to suffer for me and bear my sins upon Your holy head and shoulders is painful for me to see and understand. At the same time, Your willingness to do so, to bear the wrath of the Father for my sins and the sins of the world is incomprehensible and wonderful all at the same time. Precious Savior, I am guilty of too often allowing the "flesh" to overcome my "spirit" so that I fail to do Your Will and live my life as a witness and testimony to the Father's grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness that He showers on the world in You. Forgive me for those times of weakness and strengthen me by Your Word and Spriit, so that I might withstand the onslaughts of Sin and emulate Your willing spirit in service to the Gospel. Hear my prayer, O Christ. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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