Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The Power Of Our Resurrection Peace In Jesus

"Today's Devotion" For April 19, 2006

Read: John 20:19-23; Daniel 10:4-6, 10-12, 18-21


"Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." (John 20:21)

When things go horribly wrong in our lives, we're not too likely to look at them with "rose colored glasses." Pessimism and despair are our more likely companions as we face the troubles, trials, and tribulations of the world. How often don't we seek to "bury our heads in the sand," in order to avoid the pain and anguish of a tragedy in our lives or the lives of those we love? Not only are we often inclined to act this way when tragedy hits our personal lives, but also when things are happening in our communities and the world which are hurtful and harmful to others.

It is, therefore, not too difficult for us to understand and appreciate the dilemma in which the disciples found themselves on the evening of Easter. The stone had been rolled away and stories of Jesus' resurrection had been making the rounds - Peter and John had seen the empty tomb, Peter had heard an angel say Jesus had arisen, Mary Magdalene had been told by an angel Jesus' was alive again and she also saw Jesus - yet, no matter the power of these accounts, fear was still the dominate force in their lives. In fact, John tells us that they were locked away for "fear of the Jews" (Jn. 20:19), totally uncertain as to what should be their next steps. And, as is always the case, when things seemed the bleakest, God's peace and hope were presented once again to give them strength.

Jesus' appearance to the disciples wasn't an incidental "haunting." He was truly there in His flesh and blood to encourage and strengthen the disciples. His very presence must have sent a chill up the spine of each disciple as the Lord of lords and King of kings, He who had been slain and put in a tomb, was now standing in their midst, whole and truly alive. His first words to them, "Peace be with you" (a common greeting among the Jews), was fully intended to assuage their fears, calm their trembling, and draw their attention to the reality of His resurrection. He took the time to show them His hands and side to prove that He was truly present, in the flesh. His greeting and actions had its desired effect. We're told that the disciples "were overjoyed when they saw the Lord" (Jn. 20:20).

Filled with joy, the disciples again heard Jesus say, "Peace be with you," only this time He added a new dimension to the power of His peace. Filled with His peace, the disciples were sent by Him to tell others the Good News of God's love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness in the resurrected Jesus. Jesus' gift to them was not only His peace, His presence, or the privilege of telling others the Good News. His gift to them was also the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, which Jesus' breathed upon them and through whom we are empowered to forgive sins in Jesus' name.

Jesus' gift of peace in His resurrection calms our fears and gives us hope in the face of even the most dire circumstances. Jesus' resurrection shows us we have no need to fear death and the grave - that death is not the end of life, but the beginning of eternal life with Jesus. In Jesus' resurrection we not only are at peace with God, but we also have the power to live for Jesus each day and touch others with God's love and forgiveness in Him. As we walk daily with Jesus, filled with His peace and His Holy Spirit, we are filled with His power and His strength. We don't walk alone, talk alone, live alone, or witness alone. Our witness is made in His presence and with His widsom and strength. The power of our resurrection peace so fills us with peace, joy and hope - God's gifts to us in Jesus - that we are able to face any hardship, any persecution, any threat of death because we follow Jesus, or any derision and in justice we may face because we belong to Him. He is risen! He is risen indeed! Hallelujah! What hope and peace this gives!

Prayer: Lord Jesus, just as You brought Your peace into the locked room and put it in the hearts and minds of Your disciples, so also do I ask that You would fill me with that same peace - a peace made certain and sure by Your resurrection from the grave. By Your resurrection I am assured that my hope in You is not misplace, but that You have overcome and conquered both death and the grave. Grant me an extra measure of Your Holy Spirit so that I may always live with Your peace and joy in my heart, the assurance of the resurrection unto eternal life in my life, and the willingness to serve You by going to others with Your love and forgiveness. Hear my prayer, gracious and precious Savior, for Your name's sake. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 The Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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