Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Hear Jesus' Promise - Come Alive In Him!

"Today's Devotion" For April 4, 2006

Read: John 17:20-26; I Corinthians15:50-58


"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know your labor in the Lord is not in vain." (I Corinthians15:58)

A few years back, the Pepsi Cola Corporation (PEPESICO) set out to increase its market share around the world The company was confident that if people would only try Pepsi products they'd be hooked and think about it first when they wanted to quench their thirst. In order to accomplish its mission, PEPSICO's marketing department developed the theme of "Come Alive" as the company's advertising theme. An advertising blitz in the United States using this theme was extremely successful. The audience understood the point of the theme, "Come Alive." Yet, when the theme was translated into other languages, there were some unintended and rather embarrassing moments.

Taking out an ad in the "Chinese Reader's Digest" would normally seem to be a rather innocuous endeavor. After all, all you need to do is translate your message into Chinese, right? Well it wasn't that easy, as Pepsi found out. It seems that when the editors of the "Chinese Reader's Digest" reviewed the ad for publication, they discovered that the Chinese characters the marketers had used read: "Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the dead." (Could have been a great selling point if it were true!) Given the complexity of the Chinese language to us, it's not too difficult to understand the problem. But it didn't stop there. It seems the German version, which ran for a couple of week to a mystified audience, made the following claim: "Come alive out of the grave."

What a great message if one is proclaiming the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ - but not Pepsi. After all that's exactly what happens when we drink the "living waters" which Jesus promises us lead to "eternal life" (John 4:9ff). It's the claim that the Gospel makes to every all who hear it. "Your sins are forgiven," the Gospel tells us. "Jesus Christ took your sins upon Himself for you," the Gospel declares. "You are forgiven and stand righteous before God because of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection," the Gospel proclaims.

Jesus declared to the Pharisees, "I have come that (you) may have life, and have it more abundantly" (John 10: 10b). He reminds us of the same thing. He wants us to understand that as forgiven sinners, we "come alive" to our Heavenly Father through His blood. Because of Christ's atoning sacrifice and the washing of water and the Word in Holy Baptism, we are "made alive" each day, to live in His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness and to share His love with others. In Him we have "come alive" and have been filled with the certain confidence that nothing can take us out of His hand. Having "come alive" in Christ we are motivated to give ourselves "fully to the work of the Lord," in any and all circumstances, confident that His Word cannot fail.

For God's people, there is no greater thrill in life, no greater sense of really having "come alive" than when we step forward in faith to share the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ with another human being. When we share the Gospel with someone who doesn't yet know Jesus it comes alive as it never has before. Even in the most fearful and adverse circumstances God's people have always found that there is a peace that falls over them as they give their witness to Christ's love and forgiveness. As one such witness observed, "No matter how fearful or threatening the circumstances are when the opportunity arises to share Jesus, I can stand firm in faith, trusting that my life - eternal life - comes only from Him. Nothing can take that away from me and the threat of death is no threat at all." In truth, in Jesus the German version of Pepsi’s "Come Alive" campaign really hits the nail on the head for in Christ we will "Come out of the grave alive."

Prayer: Father, how can I thank You enough for the marvelous gift of life You've given me in Jesus. In His suffering, death, and resurrection You have brought Your forgiveness into my life. More than that, by faith in Jesus I have "come alive" to You and am certain that nothing can separate me from Your love. Strengthen my faith and continue to empower me for faithful living and service to You and others through Your Word and the power of Your Spirit. As You have made me "come alive" to You in the washing of Holy Baptism, help me to live life to the fullest and be ever faithful and courageous in sharing Jesus with others so they, too, might "come alive" to You for eternity. In Jesus precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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