Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Saints Because Of Jesus

"Today's Devotion" For November 1, 2005

Read: Romans 3:21-26; Revelation 7:9-17


"Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from? And I said to him, 'Sir you know.' So he said to me, 'These are the ones who came out of the great tribulation and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.'" (Rev. 7:13b-14)

The gloves appear to be off. It looks like a real old-fashioned "brouhaha" is fomenting. If history holds true, then one of the most unconscionable battles in the history of the United States is about to unfold. It will be a battle of ideologies and constitutional principles. It will pit pro-choicers against pro-lifers and constitutional strict constructionists against those who seek judicial activism. It will be another battle about confirming an associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Already the "smear campaign" from those opposed to the current candidate, Federal Appeals Judge Samuel Alito is in place. Senator Edward Kennedy, in his usual inimitable style, already is calling the possibility of Judge Alito being named to the Supreme Court (because he has what's regarded as a "conservative" judicial philosophy) a threat "to our fundamental rights and freedoms." It seems quite inevitable that the most minute details of Judge Alito's life will be put under a microscope and every sin he's ever committed will be used as cannon fodder to keep him from being confirmed for the Supreme Court.

That Judge Alito's life will be put under a microscope shouldn't come as a surprise to the people of God. Scripture clearly tells us that our lives are constantly put under a microscope by others because of Sin. Even more importantly than the microscopic scrutiny of our behavior by other people and the accusations of our own consciences concerning our behavior, stand the intense and destructive assaults on us by Satan himself. Because of our sins, Satan has a great track record on us by which to assail us before our Father in heaven. He has ample proof of our iniquity, our unfaithfulness to God, and our anger and hatred to Him and one another. It's not too difficult to find instances in our lives where we haven't loved others, where we've lied, cheated, and stole, and where we've done everything possible to be disobedient to the Law of God. Sad to say, the opposition to Judge Alito doesn't have a clue when it comes to finding fault - Satan is the expert. I wonder, could he be behind such an attempt to sully a man's name and reputation because he fears the consequences of solid, and honest jurisprudence on the life of the nation?

By the grace and mercy of God however, in the end it doesn't matter what accusations Satan or anyone else brings to God about us. By faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior from Sin we are declared just and righteous before God. We are washed clean in the blood of the Lamb. We wear the righteousness of Christ like a mantle covering our every sin. His righteousness becomes ours and allows us to stand before our Father's throne holy and blameless. No matter how often our behavior is assailed by Satan and the world, no matter how often our lives are called into question by those who hate God, and no matter how often we fail to obey God's Will because of our sin, God stands ready to forgive, freely offering His forgiveness of all of our sins because of Jesus. In Christ our God declares us holy. In Christ our Father lifts us up out of the pain and degradation of Sin and brings us into His eternal presence. Through the washing of Holy Baptism and the daily renewal of our Baptismal covenant by the power of the Word and Spirit, we are God's people - renewed, restored, and forgiven. He declares us to be saints and a part of the company of the saints who have gone before us into His eternal presence.

As we observe All Saints' Day again this year, most likely in our homes and hearts instead of in church worshipping and praising God together, we find ourselves in the company of those "arrayed in white robes" of John's vision in Revelation. With them, we too have the privilege of having our robes washed and made "white in the blood of the Lamb" (Rev. 7:14). We stand with them - they in heaven and we on earth - praising and glorifying God for all He has done to make us His own in Jesus Christ. We stand fearless and unafraid in this world, regardless of the false accusations and mudslinging tactics of the devil, the world, and our own consciences to paint us as worthless and valueless before God because of our sins. We stand fearless and unafraid, regardless of such assaults because we have been washed clean in Jesus and made God's own people - His saints who worship and praise Him together with all the saints in heaven. Have a marvelous and blessed All Saints' Day for we are "Saints Because of Jesus."

Prayer: Father, I thank You for clothing me in the righteousness of Christ. I know that I'm incapable of withstanding the onslaughts of Satan, the world, and my own conscience when they confront me with my sins. Help me to overcome my tendency to allow the world around me, the assaults of Satan, and my own guilty conscience to keep me from acknowledging my redemption in Jesus Christ. Give me the strength of faith in Jesus that I need to overcome the guilt and pain that Sin brings into my life, carrying such weight that I often Your forgiveness for me in Him. In the power of my Baptism, renewed for me each day through Your Word and Spirit, lead me to live a confident life filled with Your forgiveness and empowered to share Your marvelous grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness in Jesus with everyone whose lives touch mine. Help me to live a life of a true saint whose robes are made "white in the blood of the Lamb." Hear my prayer, gracious Father, for the sake of Jesus my Savior and Lord. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright ©2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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