Monday, November 14, 2005

Take Heart - God Is In Control!

"Today's Devotion" For November 14,, 2005

Read: Revelation 4:1-11; 20:1-6; Psalm 46


"The He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new...It is Done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." (Rev. 21:5a, 6a)

We have entered the time of the Christian Church Year when we contemplate the "last things." Our times of worship in most "liturgical" churches are focused on the end of time, the Judgment Day, Christ as King, and our own end of life on earth. In the face of life in a troubled and increasingly dangerous world, such contemplation and focus on such things of God's revelation of Himself to us is essential for our spiritual safety and well-being. There seems to be so little cause for hope in the world, that is, if you are to believe the prognosticators of gloom and doom. No doubt, from a purely human perspective, if things don't get "straightened out soon," life on earth is going to become untenable.

How's your "world" holding out? What problems are you facing in your life? Having problems in your marriage? Your relationships with others? Money problems getting you down? Is the "unfairness" of the world touching your life in any way? Do you get the recognition you so "rightly" deserve? Are your afraid of terrorists? How about the potential for a world pandemic of avian flu? What about the war? Is the morality of the nation going to the "dogs?" Do you worry about paying for your medications? Your bills? Your rent? Are you worried about your safety on the street? In your home?

These concerns, worries, and dangers affect people everyday. They touch our lives constantly. The question is: Do I let them get me down, or do I put them in their proper perspective in the whole scheme of God's creation and His presence with me in this world? One of the most incredible and heartening pictures in Scripture comes in the Book of Revelation where John writes that in his vision, as he was being shown heaven, he saw the One "Who sat upon the throne" in the midst of heaven (Rev. 21:5). It's a picture John records no less than three times (Rev. 4:2-3; 20:11; 21:5) - which number, as used in Scripture, is a perfect number of completion and fulfillment. It's a picture that says one very critical thing to God's people - God is in control. We have nothing to fear.

What's the worst thing that can happen to any of us as God's redeemed children in Jesus Christ? I've often asked this question in Bible studies and counseling sessions. Without exception, people have given answers that relate to their own sense of self-preservation, safety, and security. "The worst thing anyone could ever do to me would be to take my life" stands as the most frequent response. Yet, as I've often pointed out, how can this be bad for you? If you were to lose your life, no matter how that happens, won't you be with Jesus? So how can losing your life be the worst things anyone can do to you?

As we begin another day, another week, and the first day of the rest of our lives, we take heart because we know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that God is in control. As St. Paul writes in Romans 8, nothing "shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" (v.39). As we consider the end of time and the return of our Lord Jesus on the Judgment Day, we do so with hope and faith in His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. We look to the Last Day holding fast to God's promise that He is the Beginning and End of all things - the Creator Who has created all things. We are , as St. Paul writes, His workmanship (Eph. 2:10) recreated in Christ Jesus. In Him we are redeemed from Sin, Death, and the power of the devil. In Holy Baptism we have been raised with Christ so that we might live with God forever. God is in control, we have nothing to fear. No matter what happens in our lives, to us and around us, God is in control, we having nothing to fear. So take heart, dear brother - dear sister in Christ - God is in control, we have nothing to fear.

Prayer: Father, the reality of my life is that I forget all too often that You are in control. You are the Creator who has made me and all creatures. You have given me my body and soul, my physical body, and daily provide for my every need. I am never alone, for You are always present with me. Yet, despite believing this, I am still afraid for my safety, security, and well-being. You sent Jesus to bear my sins on His own head and be my Savior so that I might be forgiven of all my sins and be brought back into a loving, living relationship with You. You have restored me to Yourself by the power of Your Word and Spirit, who proceeds from Your presence to keep me in Christ Jesus unto eternal life.

Yet, in spite of all Your grace and work in my behalf, I'm still so often afraid, forgetting that You are in control. Father, continue to restore me to Yourself each day. Help me to remember the power of my Baptism through which You have made me Your own dear child. By the power of Your Word and Spirit help me to live in Your forgiveness and share that forgiveness boldly with others so they, took, might know Your love and presence in their lives. Let my life be filled with Your peace, that I may, in any and all circumstances take heart, fully knowing that You are in control of all things. Hear my prayer, gracious Father, for the sake of Jesus my Savior and Lord. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright ©2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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