Monday, October 31, 2005

Faith In Christ Alone Causes Division

"Today's Devotion" For October 31, 2005

Read: Luke 12:49-53; Isaiah 9:1-7


"Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division." (Lk. 12:51)

On this day in the year 1517 a man by the name of Martin Luther, pastor of the Castle Church at Wittenberg, Germany, nailed 95 theses - theological statements for discussion and debate - to the door of that church. It was his intention to start theological discussion and debate on some key points of the Church's doctrine among the scholars of the city who would be attending mass the following day in honor of All Saints' Day (a major church festival). His action, while a normally accepted practice - the door of that church had all kinds of nail holes in it from similar postings over the years - began an uproar in the Christian Church that still has impetus today. While Luther's intention was to discuss some theological concerns that he had begun to notice in contradictions between the Church's teachings and what the Scriptures say, his posting had far greater ramifications - and the Reformation was born.

Martin Luther never intended for his theses to divide the Church. His intention was to seek the truth of God's Word and share it with his brothers and sisters in Christ. Yet, as is so often the case when challenging falsehood, the bearer of truth ends up being the "bad guy." Luther's theses caused an uproar of "global proportions." Pointing to Scripture as the source and norm of the Christian faith, he became a dangerous heretic to the "powers that be." Various attempts to silence him met with his refusal to be silent. He was determined to make certain that the Gospel message of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone, a gift of God's grace alone (no one earns it or deserves it), as declared fully and completely in Scripture alone would not be lost to God's people, but be preached to the joy and edifying of their faith and the salvation of their souls.

Yet the message of salvation through faith in Christ alone is anathema to the world. It's interesting to note the apparent "contradiction" in our Scripture readings for today. On one hand, Isaiah calls the Messiah the "Prince of Peace." On the other hand the Messiah, Jesus the Christ, declares that He didn't come to bring peace, but division. Jesus declares that He came to "send fire on the earth," an action of destruction rather than the bringing of peace. The apparent contradiction between Isaiah's picture of the Messiah as the "Prince of Peace" and Jesus' declaration that He came to divide and "send fire on the earth is cleared up when we understand fully just what Jesus means.

Faith in Jesus Christ as the only Lord and Savior from Sin and the only way to God's eternal presence puts us at odds with the majority of people in the world. Proclaiming the truth of the Gospel which declares Him to be the only way to heaven and the only way of forgiveness and a right relationship with God is seen as divisive and arrogant by the world. Yet, with God's help, filled with His Spirit and equipped by His Word, we face these challenges with joy and anticipation, knowing that our Lord Jesus has called us to be His witnesses to the whole world.

Faith in Christ Jesus may divide us from the world, but it's what has restored our relationship with God. Isaiah's picture of the "Prince of Peace" is one that conveys to God's children the marvelous blessing that Jesus has broken down the wall of separation that Sin places between Man and God. We have peace with God through Jesus Christ. And, while that may divide us from the world and its many "approaches" to God, it brings us God's forgiveness of all of our sins and the sure hope of eternal life with Christ. Faith may divide God's people from the world, perhaps even from family and friends, but it unites us with Christ and brings us the sure assurance of heaven.

Prayer: Father, I thank You for making me Your very own child by Your grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Your Word continues to fill me with Your knowledge and peace. Your Spirit continues to gladden my heart and strengthen my faith so that I might be filled with Your joy and focused on the sure hope of heaven You give me in Jesus alone. You have wiped away the stain of my sin through the precious blood of the Lamb, clothing me in His righteousness that I might stand before Your throne of grace holy and acceptable to You because of Jesus. Through Your gift of faith in Him, You have set me apart from the world, to live in it as Your true witness to Your salvation for all humanity in Christ, but to be apart from it as I live according to Your Will and purpose for my life. Help me to face every trial and difficulty of life, which come because I am Your true child, filled with Your grace and mercy, strengthened by Your love and forgiveness, and fortified with the power of Your Word and Spirit. Let my life serve to show the division that Sin causes in the world so that the light of Your truth can bring Your peace into the hearts of many. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright ©2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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