Thursday, October 13, 2005

Called By Jesus To Lead Others To Him

"Today's Devotion" For October 13, 2005

Read: Acts 26:1-29; Psalm 96


"Sing to the Lord, praise His name; proclaim His salvation day after day. Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples." (Ps. 96:2,3)

If you remember the news of a couple of years ago great anxiety was filling the nation and the world with the onslaught of the SARS virus. Its source was China. The feared epidemic died out - it never came close to a pandemic. Yet people were afraid of it because we couldn't find a cure (to the best of my knowledge we still haven't), although we're more experienced at treating it and when it occurs today it's less deadly. Fast forward to October 2005 and the great medical fear of the day is the avian flu. So far, we're told, it hasn't mutated to the point where it can be passed between people. It has, however, jumped from fowl to human among those in heavy contact with large flocks of chickens in China, among whom there have been a high percentage of death. Scientists are gravely concerned about this potential flu outbreak because the capacity to produce sufficient vaccine to inoculate the entire population of the United States, much less the world, isn't available.

While it's a terrible thought to anticipate that huge numbers of the population of the United States, as well as the world community, might succumb to such a terrible flu outbreak, perhaps there's a thought even more terrible. In the last few days we've heard that tens of thousands of people have died in Pakistan and India because of the recent earthquake. War and terrorism seem to be finding a foothold in the Middle East and in areas of Asia. yet, wherever we look these days there's some news of death and violence among the peoples of the nations of the world. Even in the United States the death toll from violence continues to rise, as Milwaukee, for instance, tallied its 100th murder victim already this year. In the midst of all this (and this is where the "more terrible thought" comes in) people are dying without knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior from Sin. They are dying without God's forgiveness for all their sins ringing in their ears and filling their hearts. While we are rightly concerned about the "how" of all the death and destruction in the world, it's the "why" - Sin - that kills forever.

God has called you and me to the richness of His grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. We are filled by His forgiveness and love each day by faith in Jesus. St. Paul's life reflects the result of the bold proclamation of the Gospel, not only in His conversion and personal spiritual growth, but by the results of his ministry throughout Asia Minor and Rome. By his bold proclamation of the Good News of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection many were brought to faith in Jesus. Following Paul's example, we are called by our Lord to just as boldly proclaim His love for the world, in our living, our speaking, and our doing. Whether people are dying in the United States, Europe, Africa, The Middle East, the Far East, or anywhere else in the world, they need to know Jesus and His love so they can receive God's forgiveness and the promised hope of eternity with Christ in heaven. While we may not be able to speak to someone about Jesus who's living in the Middle East, India, China, Pakistan, or elsewhere in the world, we can still pray for them, provide for those who go in our place through our gifts, and we can take the opportunity each and every day to share God's blessings in Christ with others right here at home. Ultimately, we are living in a world that is suffering from an epidemic of life without Jesus and death without forgiveness.

Dr. Martin Luther wrote: "We have no other reason for living on earth than to be of help to others. If this were not the case, it would be best for God to kill us and let us die as soon as we are baptized and have begun to believe. But He permits us to live here in order that WE MAY BRING OTHERS TO FAITH, just as He brought us." Find someone to share Christ with TODAY! You'll be glad you did!

Prayer: Father, You have given me the special gift of faith in Jesus as my Lord and Savior from Sin. I am one of Your redeemed children, for which gift I am humbled and eternally grateful. Lead me, by the power of Your Word and Spirit, to not sit idly by as I read and hear the accounts of people who don't know Your love in Christ and who are dying every day in ignorance and unbelief. Show me how I can be an effective witness, and open doors for me to be of service to others in Your name. Father, please hear this prayer for the sake of Jesus and answer it according to Your will and promise. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright ©2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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