Saturday, October 15, 2005

Goal-Setting For A Life Worthy Of The Lord

"Today's Devotion" For October 15, 2005

Read: Colossians 1:1-14; Deuteronomy 30:8-20


"And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please Him in every way..." (Col. 1:10a)

How often have you heard that setting goals is crucial to one's success in life? If you read a lot, work at a job, or are involved in most any enterprise that requires results you've more than likely not only heard that goal-setting is crucial to success, but that success in life can't ever be achieved unless one sets goals. Writing them down seems to be the most critical part of the success formula in goal-setting because, we're told, writing them down keeps us focused on them and programs our minds to achieve them.

On the other hand, is it possible that one of the more self-centered things people can do in life is to set personal goals for success? Certainly setting goals to accomplish an end can't be wrong? Goals themselves aren't evil, are they? There's no doubt from experience that goals can be very effective instruments for getting us focused on what's important in life. And that's where the "rub" comes in. What do you - what do others - consider to be "important" in life? Ultimately, the values and principles people hold dear and consider important are those things which inform their goal. If those values and principles are focused on selfish ambitions, worldly gain, or things which put one "ahead of the pack," fully disregarding the needs of others, then the goals that are developed are going to be anything but altruistic and concerned about the welfare of others. If, on the other hand, the values and principles one holds dear are focused on the things of God, then it's quite likely that the goals that follow will be pleasing to God and concerned about the needs of others.

There has been no greater goal setter than God Himself. From the Fall into Sin by Adam and Eve in Eden God's sole and only purpose has been to redeem His Creation from the ravages of Sin, Death, and Satan. From the Garden of Eden, to Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David and the Prophets all the way to John the Baptist and Jesus, God continued to state only one goal - to save His people from their sins. Following Christ's Resurrection and Ascension, and the coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, God has continued to carry out His goal to save humanity from the ravages of Sin and the wiles of Satan by having the Gospel preached and taught throughout the world. In order to achieve His goal of the world's salvation, He sends His children to carry out acts of love and forgiveness as they touch the lives of others. He calls each of us to "live a life worthy of the Lord."

Sometime ago, in 1977, there was a story that came out of El Salvador. It seems there was a man named Oscar Romero, who was a simple, unassuming Catholic priest living in that country. His personal goal in life was to live out his faith in Christ by dedicating himself to the people in his parish in that country. He was beloved by his parishioners for his untiring, unselfish devotion to sharing Christ's love and forgiveness with them and anyone else with whom he came in contact. What's most important about the year 1977 is that it was in that year he was selected to be archbishop of El Salvador. It was a most surprising and unexpected selection. At the time it was a politically astute move on the part of the Vatican as Father Romero was considered a neutral and totally non-political selection in a country wracked by political turmoil.

Still dedicated to sharing Christ's love and forgiveness with his parishioners, who were now comprised the entire El Salvadoran nation, Archbishop Romero soon discovered that the Hispanic rulers of El Salvador were persecuting the Indians - native Salvadorans. In his own simple, unassuming manner that had served his people so well as a local parish priest, he consecrated his ministry to assist these poor native Salvadorans. He became a strong advocate of Christ's love to them and of social and economic justice for them. He struck a chord, but not a favorable one. On March 24, 1980, while celebrating the Lord's Supper, Father Romero was assassinated. He had set his eyes on goals for living a life worthy of the Lord and had paid a terrible price. But the his ultimate goal couldn't be erased - he now rests in the bosom of his Lord and Savior, awaiting the Day of Resurrection according to Jesus' own promises to us all.

Prayer: Father, sometimes it seems as if goal-setting has become an end in itself in this society and world. Success is measured quite frequently on both the types of goals set and people's accomplishment of them. How much gain has there been? Who have you become? Forgive me, Father, for getting caught up in such distinctions. Help me to recognize that my most crucial and important goal in life is to live a life worthy of Jesus - a life that reflects Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness to me in Him so that others might receive Your blessings through me as well. As Jesus has given Himself for me, Father I pray that You would help me, by Your Word and Spirit, to give myself to Him in service to others. In His precious and most holy name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright ©2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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