Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Looking For "Teachable Moments" With Jesus

"Today's Devotion" For October 12, 2005

Read: Luke 10:38-42; John 15:1-8


" are worried and upset about many things, but only on thing is needed." (Lk.10:41b-42a)

Have you ever noticed how seemingly innocuous moments in life can become "teachable moments?" In recent months there's been a growth in celebrity public service spots on television concerning parenting and education. The information shared runs the gamut from helpful to "you've got to be kidding," especially since some assumptions are made that don't necessarily fit the socio-economic situations of a great many people. One recent spot catches the ear, however, because it talks about "teachable moments," and encourages parents to take negative situations with their children and turn them into opportunities for their growth and learning important lessons in life. If we look at other areas of life, as we live and work with others, there are times in which God gives us the opportunity to have "teachable moments" for ourselves and in our relationships with others.

It's just such a "teachable moment" that Luke shares with us today. In the entire picture the Gospel's paint of Jesus' life on earth, there is, perhaps, no more poignant account than Jesus' visit with two sisters, Mary and Martha. The three of them were apparently good friends. It appears the Lord's relationship with them was special and He dearly loved them, as they loved Him in return. While Mary sits at Jesus' feet listening to Him talk about the things of God, Martha hustled about preparing a meal for their special friend. From the account it has always struck me that Martha also had a great desire to sit and listen to Jesus, but she felt it necessary to get the meal ready first. Exasperated that Mary wasn't pitching in, Martha, not unlike what we all might do ourselves, got a little testy with Jesus - questioning His indulgence of Mary's apparent disregard for hospitality. Jesus takes the opportunity for a "teachable moment," and gently reminds Martha of that which is most important in her relationship with Him. At the same time it becomes a "teachable moment" for all of us.

All too often life gets confusing. What we think is the main point of something is viewed by others as unimportant. What others might make a big deal about we might see as immaterial and of no value. Often, when such confusion arises, such situations present opportunities for a "teachable moment" to help us understand important lessons for our lives. This is no less important in the Body of Christ. "Teachable moments" as Jesus had with Martha are all around us if we are just open to them.

Such a "teachable moment" occurred for a pastor of a small suburban congregation some years ago. It seems the pastor - on his day off of course - ran into a former member of his congregation driving a tractor retrieving balls on the local driving range. The pastor had never really understood why the man had left the church, so he took the opportunity of the conversation to ask. It seems the man had taken on the quite prodigious task of rebuilding the Sunday School when no one else would. He'd done a marvelous job and the results, new equipment, greater attendance, excited teachers, and a renewed interest in Bible Study, were still even though he'd been gone a few years. What had upset this man enough for him to walk away from such a successful ministry? It seems that all he had ever heard from the members of the congregation had been, "Come with us to church." He felt as if they didn't care about what he had done because they didn't say "Thank you," or offer to help. All they wanted him to do was sit around and hear God's Word!

There are many opportunities for "teachable moments" in our daily lives. None, however, is more important than the "teachable moments" we have with Jesus. In every aspect of our lives, whether it's our career, our profession, our family, our work, our play, our study, our relationships with others, or a host of other opportunities for being God's redeemed children, if we look and listen closely we'll see the "teachable moments" that the Holy Spirit uses to help us grow in our faith in Jesus and our witness to others of His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Every moment of life can be an opportunity to hear our Lord speak to us so that we might grow in Him and share Him effectively with others. Sitting at Jesus' feet is a wonderful gift of God's Spirit. Taking the time to hear and read the Word everyday gives the child of God wonderful opportunities for "teachable moments" by Jesus. Such "teachable moments" help us to put life in perspective - to focus on what's important and essential in our life with God and our service to others in Jesus' name.

Prayer: Father, when I really pay attention to Your work in my life I realize that my days are filled with "teachable moments" through which You strengthen my faith and my service to You and others. Help me to pay attention to those "teachable moments," Father, so that by the power of Your Word and Spirit I might be more and more able to put my life in spiritual perspective. Help me to choose, each day, as Mary did, the "one thing needed" which will not be taken away from me. Lead me to focus my "busyness" on those activities and actions which reflect Your love for me in Jesus to others so they, too, can be blessed by "teachable moments" with Jesus. Hear my prayer, gracious Father, for the sake of Jesus, my Savior and Lord. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright ©2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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