Sunday, February 27, 2005

Jesus Is Our "Mission Control"

"Today's Devotion" For February 28, 2005

Read: Matthew 10:5-16
Acts 8:4-25


"As you go, preach this message: 'The kingdom of heaven is near.'"(Mt.10:7)

When we hear the term "mission control" many of us will have our thoughts pointed to the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA). The word image brings up pictures of astronauts, space vehicles, space stations, space walks, probes sent to other planets in the solar system, and everything else we connect with the exploration of outer space. Humanity's insatiable desire to move beyond the pale of earth into the broad unknown of the universe represented by outer space is a reflection of an apparently innate need for human beings to throw of the "shackles" of earth. "Mission Control" has become the focal point of those desires to break the bonds of earth. That same purpose, to break the "shackles of earth" in a spiritual sense, was the motivation for Jesus' sending out of the 12 apostles to share the message that the "Kingdom of Heaven is near."

For the Twelve Apostles, whose number representatives to us the twelve tribes of Israel, their mission was to preach the message that "The kingdom of heaven is near." Jesus' own mission was to declare that same truth and point to Himself as God's redemption for the world. The Twelve, holding to that mission, went forth in faith and confidence, without any elaborate preparations, certainly not of the order found in the space program at NASA. They were to live by the response of the people to the message of the Gospel, freely sharing God's love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ, in the same way as they had freely received that same love and forgiveness themselves. Empowered by the power of God's Word and Spirit, working according to Jesus' own command, they went about preaching, healing, and driving out demons. They, themselves, came back amazed at what transpired on their journeys, as the power of God's Word touched the lives of many, changed the lives of many, and drove demons away. Their "Mission Control," the Lord Jesus Christ, sent them to share God's peace with all who received the words of the Kingdom, and bring them the assurance that God would provide for their every need, both in body and spirit.

In no less a manner does our Lord Jesus Christ call us to the same sacrificial, faithful, bold mission work in the world today. By faith we live in the presence of our God and Father every moment of every day of our lives. Nothing we do, think, or say goes unnoticed by Him. He knows our every want and desire, our every need and trial. Everyday we receive His grace, mercy, and love so that we might be living witnesses of His gift of salvation in Christ to the whole world, starting in our own corner of it. We not only live in His forgiveness but we share it with others everyday as well. Our mission in life, guided by God's Word and Spirit, through faith in Christ, is to share the Good News of salvation with all who don't as yet believe. With Christ in control of the mission we can be confident that we will receive what we need to do reach others for Him each day of our lives. As He sent the Twelve, so He sends us. The mission hasn't changed. The purpose of a disciple is no less today than it was when Jesus walked the earth. Because Jesus' is in control of the mission, we are also certain it will succeed, and that we are well prepared to carry it out--protected in His arms.

Prayer: Father, I know that I'm often a reluctant witness to Your love for me and all the world in Jesus. In Christ, You call me to go and share Your Gospel without anything other than Your promises to be with me. By human standards, it's very dangerous to go on a mission for You, because I have no control over the situation. Yet, in Christ Jesus I fully trust and believe Your promises that You will never leave me or forsake me, and that Your Holy Spirit will provide me with the words to say in true witness to the Gospel of salvation in Christ, as they are necessary to be said. Remind me that You are always in control of the mission and that it will always succeed according to Your purpose and Will. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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