Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Living God's Compassion

"Today's Devotion" For February 16, 2005

Read: I Peter 3:8-17
Psalm 103


"The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in love." (Psalm 103:8)

Have you ever heard someone say, "I have no compassion for such people?" Maybe you've said such a thing yourself. I have to admit that I certainly have felt that way about others, even going so far as to state that I have no compassion for them because of their attitude or behavior or both. Such a lack of compassion is often focused on politicians with whom we don't agree, people who can't seem to stay out of trouble, those who are chronically unemployed, and even the poor, especially those who live in poverty. For political, economic, or ideological reasons people often lack compassion for others, whether at home or abroad, often taking the position that people get what they deserve.

Now I won't argue with that perspective, except to say that we're not quite so willing to apply that same standard to ourselves. Our sinful human nature, being what it is, tends to look askance at what others do or fail to do, but we're willing to mitigate our own behavior. Example after example of such behavior is everywhere on the national scene as we hear politicians accusing their political opponents of lack of integrity even though they, themselves, have consistently shown the same quality. Such behavior isn't restricted to politicians. Consider the clergy who preach against sexual evils while they are participating in such behavior themselves. There are myriad examples of how people, you and I, are willing to point the finger at others and hold them accountable, while turning a blind eye to our own culpability.

It's easy for us to point a finger at others because it helps to keep the spotlight off of us. It's something we're so good at that compassion is frequently only a "nice" idea, something "nice" to talk about, but hardly something we practice on a consistent basis. If God were to deal with us the way we deal with one another, we'd be in really big trouble--an eternity of trouble--totally and permanently separated from Him forever. Yet God's love for us, His children, is so great that His great mercy and compassion come forth every moment of our lives. His infinite patience and love, as He displayed them in the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, reflect the most perfect compassion we can ever know. It's God's gracious compassion to us that lifts us out of our despair, frees us from finger pointing, and leads us to repentance and life.

One of the most prominent questions that confronts people these days is "What's my purpose in life?" For those who believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior from Sin, that same question is asked in this way, "What purpose does God have for my life?" In essence these questions are one and the same, because all of life is a gift from God and is lived in His presence, whether someone believes in Him or not. Following the example of our Father in heaven, as displayed in the life of Christ Jesus, our purpose in life is to share His compassion for sinners-the Good News that Christ died for our sins and rose again that all who believe in Him "should not perish but have everlasting life" (Jn. 3:16). As we have experienced that compassion in Holy Baptism through which God made us His very own redeemed children, working faith in Christ in our hearts by the power of His Word and Spirit, so also do we live that compassion in our lives. By faith we then seek to lead people to Jesus so they, too, might experience God's compassion for themselves and reflect that compassion to others.

Prayer: Father, I thank You that You have had such great compassion on me, in spite of my sins, so that You have called me to faith in Christ so that my sins are forgiven. When You forgive, Father, You remember my sins no more. Help me to have that same compassion toward others, being ready at all times to forgive those who sin against me, and being ready at all times to exhibit compassion to those in need of Your love--just as You have had compassion on me. In the precious name of Christ Jesus my Savior and Lord I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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