Saturday, February 19, 2005

To Truly Know the Truth

"Today's Devotion" For February 19, 2005

Read: John 16:5-15
Psalm 25:1-15


"'But when the Spirit of Truth comes, He will guide you into all truth.'"(Jn.16:13a)

One of the more famous--or infamous, depending on your perspective--questions found in the Bible is Pilate's question to Jesus, "What is truth?" It's obvious from the text that Pilate was suffering great anxiety at having to deal with Jesus and his accusers. Pilate was certain Jesus was innocent of the charges leveled against Him, yet he wasn't getting any help from Jesus so that he could free Him. Pilate's question in this situation is reflective of the same anxiety behind the same question found continually in our world. It's a question posed by human beings doing their level best to make sense out of a world "gone mad." It's a question posed by those on every side of an issue, each of whom is certain that their answer to a challenge, problem, or dilemma is the "truth." Such is the reality of living in the world of academia, the political arena, the realm of foreign policy, the business world, and even one's personal life. All to frequently truth takes on a life of its own, with many different opinions based on the same evidence combining to form contradictory "truths," confusing students, scholars, professors, politicians, professionals, and individuals alike.

While one scientist looks at the fossil record and sees the creating hand of God, another scientist looks at the same record and declares a breakthrough in "evolutionary theory." A business loses a lucrative contract to a competitor and, while seeking to discover the reason behind such a loss, the marketing department blames it on one set of factors that they couldn't control, while at the same time the customer service department blames it on other factors they couldn't control and competing "truths" concerning the reality of a lost client ensue. A wife is certain her husband is "staring" at another woman, but her husband is equally adamant that he's staring at a painting on the wall, opening up a Pandora's box of competing "truths" which can lead to the break up of a marriage. So much is left open to interpretation as we observe everyday events in our world, that each person can lay claim to knowing the "truth" about something and in some way be correct. Such is the reality of the effect of Sin on the world and in each of our lives.

When it comes to spiritual things and knowing God, competing "truths" are everywhere. Depending upon what someone's "religion" says about the meaning of salvation, competing "truths" emerge to provide constant confusion in the hearts and minds of people in need of God's love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness. To be so confused plays into Satan's hands. That's why, in order to really know the "Truth" concerning God's plan of salvation and His love for His Creation requires that He declare Himself to us. No one can clearly know the truth of God's plan of salvation, His redemptive activity on behalf of humanity, and the forgiveness of sins and hope He gives in Jesus Christ without God making that revelation clear and plain. In Jesus Christ, God has blessed His redeemed children with the fullest revelation of the only Truth that makes any difference or has any substance and meaning for life. By the power of His Word and Spirit, through the washing of Holy Baptism, God has clearly revealed the "truth" Pilate sought--it's found in Jesus Christ.

As Jesus told His disciples, there will be no ambiguity possible with the Holy Spirit, because He will lead God's people into all truth. Through the Word, the Spirit reveals God's truth about His love, grace, and mercy toward us in Jesus Christ. Through the Word we become aware of the truth that God has created everything and continues to work in this world, caring for His creation and continuing to create good things through us. Through the Word there are no ambiguous "truths" about our salvation, only the certainty that by faith in Jesus Christ our sins are forgiven and we have the sure hope of eternal life with God in heaven. While there may be all kinds of uncertain "truths" all around us, we can be certain that this is a faithful (true) saying, "Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners." If you want to know the truth that sets you free--there it is!

Prayer: Father, by the power of Your Word and Spirit You have revealed Yourself to me. You made Yourself truly known when Christ took on my human flesh and lived an obedient and holy life in my place, even taking on the punishment I so richly deserve for my disobedience to Your Will on the Cross. Truly there is no ambiguity as to what's true or not when it comes to Your love and forgiveness to me in Christ. By the power of Your Word and Spirit, working through my Baptism, lead me to walk confidently each day in the sure and certain truth that Jesus came because of Your love for humanity to save sinners, of which I am one. Through the washing of Holy Baptism and the power of Your Word and Spirit, You have made me Your very own child and have promised to keep me in You unto life everlasting. Help me to weigh all claims of "truth" against the truth of Your love for me and the revelation of Your continual presence in the world. I pray all this in the precious name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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