Friday, August 11, 2006

Life Restored By Jesus

"Today's Devotion" For August 10, 2006

Read: John 11:17-44; I Corinthians 15:50-57


"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25, 26)

Last week news came that two Wisconsin men, ages 19 and 20, missing for 40 years, had been found. Their car was found buried in a lake, deep in silt and weeds where it had sunk back in 1966. Once they'd gotten into their car to head for home they were never seen again. A collective sigh of relief was offered by their family members as they finally found out what had happened to their loved ones.

On another note, death is rampant in our world as we are a world at war. Terrorism is able to strike anywhere at anytime. We've just been made aware of the most massive plot of terrorism against the U.S. and Britain since "9-11." Precautions and security have been heightened and long lines await people once again at the airports. New regulations prohibit even more items from being carried on to an aircraft. Tensions are high and people have fear for their lives. At the same time many are breathing sighs of relief that they weren't the next victims of terrorists.

While such a strike was averted in this case, many other acts of terrorism daily claim human lives around the world. U. S. soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines are fighting and dying in the battle against terrorism in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Terrorists are striking the civilians of these countries as well as many places in Africa and Asia. In the Middle East we also find that Israeli soldiers and civilians are facing death and destruction from Hezbollah terrorists attacking Israel; these terrorists, hiding among the civilian population of Lebanon are also the cause of civilian deaths as the Israelis engage them in combat.

But death doesn't just take on the hue of accidental deaths or terrorist activity, or sectarian violence. Our city streets see death come knocking regularly as gun violence affects the young and old alike. Poor people who can't afford medical care die of maladies that might have been treated or prevented if they'd gone to see a doctor. When the recent heat wave hit around the nation, news reports revealed the deaths of people, particularly the poor and elderly, who couldn't afford the electricity to run air conditioners to stay cool.

We live in a dangerous world. For some of us, life is a precious blessing; for others it's cheap, especially if it's not their own. We can see the power of Sin in the world by how people value or don't value life. The consequences of Sin in the world are revealed in sickness, disease, poverty, crime, war, terror, and a host of other "maladies." Jesus' handling of Lazarus's illness gives us pause to realize that Sin has very real consequences in the here and now, not just in eternity.

Those consequences of Sin, however, have been overcome by Jesus on the Cross. Because of His sacrifice, Sin no longer has a hold on us that will keep us from God's love. We believe Jesus' declaration that He is "the resurrection and the life." His raising of Lazarus from the grave was but a small reminder of His true power and authority over life and death. He has overcome death and the grave for us by His suffering, death, and resurrection. With a confident faith and trust in Him we therefore are encouraged despite the evils of the world that would threaten our lives both physically and spiritually. Along with Martha, we are blessed to confess, "Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ." In that faith and trust in Him we find that life is restored in Him.

Prayer: Father, it's really very easy to be discouraged by the apparent disregard for human life that is running rampant in the world. Whether it's disease, poverty, hatred, terrorism, war, crime, or a host of other maladies of Sin in the world, life is very cheap for so many people. While the world pays lipservice to the idea of the "dignity of human life," it so often ignores what it means to truly uphold the sanctity of life for everyone. Give me the strength of faith to remember that no matter what I may face in life, in Jesus nothing can separate me from Your love and nothing can keep me from being with You in heaven. Father, thank You for delivering me from the power of Sin in my life and lead me to share my joy and peace for the life that Jesus has restored to me with those in need of knowing Him as Savior; in His precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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