Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Freed By The Truth

"Today's Devotion" For August 15, 2006

Read: II Timothy 3:10-4:5; Psalm 111


"If you believe My Word, then are you My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:31b, 32)

One of the most devastating aspects of a world at war is the negation of the truth. Propaganda is the order of the day. Governments, news media, and "talking heads" filter the news and put twists and turns on it so that what is portrayed if often far from the unvarnished truth. If you're in Iran right now, the Iranian president is assuring the people that Israel's been defeated in its war with Hezbollah. The leader of the Hezbollah is doing the same thing. World leaders have condemned Israel's response to Hezbollah as disproportionate, and thus, as one wag put it, falling far short of the principles of a "just war." At the same time, no international outcry has been raised against the terrorist group Hezbollah which is covering its actions by helping the returning refugees to southern Lebanon rebuild.

Our President is being accused of falsifying information to get us into a war in Iraq. The same people who once voted for the war now vote against it. Whenever there is a success in the fight, someone is sure to throw a monkey wrench into the works because he or she doesn't want this President to get any positive credit for anything. The "smell test" for truth in such cases seems to apply only to those about whom the "purveyors of truth" are speaking, never to themselves. In the end, knowing what's true in such affairs is hard to determine.

If we're looking for the truth about current events, whether they're on the world stage, local, state, or national politics, or in areas of life and living that we all experience daily - economics, community issues, crime, etc. - we can be reasonably certain that whatever truth is available to us will be couched in "shades of gray." Reliability of information and, thus, of the truth, is a suspect commodity in our world.

Living in a sin-filled world, it's important for us to have a source of unvarnished truth, a source which doesn't care about what others may think or do, and a source which seeks only to speak the truth in love so that people can have a source of certainty and hope in their lives. Jesus' disciples had such a need, just as we do, and Jesus made certain they had a focal point for truth - His Word. He assured them that believing His Word - that it is true and reliable and given for their benefit, out of love - would set them free from the power of doubt and uncertainty which Sin tries to cultivate in order to keep people under its control.

Jesus' assures us that by faith in Him - in His suffering, death, and resurrection for our sins and the sins of the whole world - we are set free from the bondage of Sin which blinds us to the truth about God, His creation, and His gift of salvation to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Our eyes are open to seeing God's hand at work in all of life, even in times of war and destruction, economic hardship, famine, disease, civil unrest, and mounting crime. By faith we know that nothing can keep us from His love for us in Jesus. We know and believe that His truth, as revealed His Word, sets us free to see the world as it really is and be winsome witnesses of His love so that others might also see His truth fulfilled in Jesus.

Prayer: Father, in a world that always seems to be turning itself upside down and inside out because of conflicting "truths" espoused by those who would control the lives of others, I thank You that You have given me Your Word of truth against which I can measure all other "truths." Forgive me for so often forgetting to consult You and Your Word when faced with the "truths" of the world which so often contradict Your Will and Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness in Christ. Help me to keep my eyes always on Jesus, knowing that in Him is forgiveness, hope, and the strength to live as a bold and winsome witness of Your salvation for the world. Send Your Spirit upon me in abundant measure that I might be wise unto salvation, confident of Your love and forgiveness, and bold in my living for You; in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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