Thursday, August 17, 2006

Jesus' Victory Brings Us Peace

"Today's Devotion" For August 16, 2006

Read: John 16:17-33; I John 5:1-5


"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace; in this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world."

Has everyone gone mad? Sometimes it seems that way when you listen to the things being said by those who would be our leaders. Now a former U.S. President has accused Israel of overreacting to the attacks of the terrorist organization, Hezbollah, and killing Lebanese civilians. He has also faulted the U.S. for backing Israel.. With the U.N. ceasefire in place, the Hezbollah, having hidden themselves among civilians during the conflict, causing the deaths of hundreds of Lebanese civilian non-combatants, are now helping people return to their homes, giving them money, and working to show themselves to be the "good guys" and Israel the "bad guys."

It's scary to realize that so many of our leaders can't see that there's evil in the world. When they even acknowledge evil, they have the mistaken impression that evil is willing to negotiate. Yet, the very essence of evil is to seek its own gain at the expense of others. Instead of being cautious in dealing with those who seek to destroy everything that doesn't fit their worldview, too many of our leaders fall into the trap of praising the enemy and ignoring the evil they espouse.

Of course, global conflict isn't the only scary thing in this world. Crime, drunk driving, drugs, smoking, and a host of other "evils" face us every day. Our sense of security and personal wellbeing are constantly under attack. The list of potential dangers to life and limb is seemingly endless. We're in a constant struggle to maintain our physical, spiritual, economic, and emotional equilibrium as we face the uncertainties of life on a daily basis.

By God's grace, however, and in His great love for us, the world doesn't need to be such a scary place. Our Lord Jesus comforts us and gives us hope when He reminds us that He has overcome the world. The world may be turning itself upside down but we have nothing to fear. Every trouble, every hardship, every rumor or fact of war, every act of terrorism, every economic calamity, and every catastrophe, whether natural or manmade has no power to keep us from or remove us from God's love for us in Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ has overcome Sin, Death, and Satan for us by His suffering, death, and resurrection. Because of His sacrifice, we, by faith in Him, are empowered to overcome a whole lot of evil with a whole lot of hope. Because Jesus has overcome the world we are at peace in our hearts and with God.

Prayer: Father, as I face a world of hatred, fear, war, disease, crime, and a host of other maladies brought about by Sin, I am comforted and strengthened by the hope You give me in Jesus. You give me hope because in Him Sin, Death, and Satan have been overcome. In my place, my Lord Jesus Christ has paid the price for my sins and has brought peace into my heart and life. Give me the courage, faith, and commitment to tell everyone about this Good News - that Christ has overcome the world and no one has to be afraid anymore. Help me to not only live in Your forgiveness and hope, but also to live them as I touch the lives of others in Your name. May my life be a living, winsome witness to other so they might also come to know Your peace forever. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

should be John 16:33, not 17:33