Monday, February 27, 2006

Salvation In Christ - It's No Longer "Top Secret"

"Today's Devotion" For February 27, 2006

Read: Mark 9:2-9; Psalm 96


"As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus gave them orders not to tell anyone what they had seen until the Son of Man had risen from the dead." (Mark 9:9)

Sometime in the next 10 days to two weeks, our son, Matthew, will be heading back to Iraq with his Marine unit. He can't tell me exactly when because it's classified information which can't be shared over an unsecured line. He can't tell me exactly where they'll be in Iraq, although it's generally accepted that it will be in much the same place as last time, because, yes, that's right, it's classified. As a retired Navy chaplain and officer I still hold a Secret security clearance. Yet information such as his date of deployment and deployed location inside Iraq - because of the nature of his unit's work - is available only on a "need to know basis." After he returns home later this year, he'll share where he was and what he did - just as he did last year when he came home. Until then he can't really tell anyone much of anything.

When Jesus took Peter, James, and John up the Mount of Transfiguration, He knew what was about to happen. It had been six days since He had begun preparing His disciples for His crucifixion and had to chastise Peter with "Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me" when Peter objected to the idea of Jesus being crucified for the sins of the world. Knowing the leadership responsibilities that would be thrust upon these three apostles after His death, Jesus takes them up the mountain (Note: Mountains in Scripture are always places where God reveals another step forward in His Plan of Salvation) to strengthen their faith and prepare them for what's to come. What greater proof of who He is or what His mission was than to see Him transformed into all His heavenly glory and speaking to, arguably, the two greatest prophets of Israel!

If any of us would have been standing with the apostles and observing this event we'd have been hard-pressed to contain ourselves and not tell someone. Certainly we would have felt the same fear and awe the apostles felt. Perhaps we, too, might have proposed three tabernacles for worship as Peter did. No doubt the proclamation of the Father from heaven, "This is My Son, whom I love. Listen to Him!" (v. 7), would have had a profound impact on us. No doubt any of us would have been itching to get off the mountain and let people know what we had seen (Note: it's interesting that Jesus took three of them up the mountain because Jewish law required corroboration of an event's occurrence by "two or three" witnesses).

The Father's command, however, gives us pause. "Listen to Him," is an order and Jesus' next words - His command - to the three was "Don't tell anyone what you've seen - it's classified ‘Top Secret’ and can't be shared until My resurrection." While Jesus was preparing Peter, James, and John for the hard times ahead and for their leadership among the disciples, He also knew that Satan would continue to work to foil God's Plan and keep Jesus from the Cross. Publicizing what they had seen on the Mount of Transfiguration might have been just the kind of news that would have made Jesus a figure of mythical proportion and kept Him from the Cross. So what the apostles saw was classified "Top Secret" until Jesus' resurrection on Easter.

Sadly, it seems as if we're still intent on obeying Jesus' command - you know, the part that goes, "Don't tell anyone what you've seen." Too often it seems as if the last part of the command, "until the Son of Man has risen from the dead" gets lost. But it's Good News. It's Great News! The sinless Son of God and Son of Man died once and for all time for the sins of the whole world that "whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). He made it to the Cross; God's Plan of Salvation for His Creation has been completed. Victory over Sin, Death, and Satan has been won. The curse of the Law no longer hangs over our heads like a guillotine.

Today is a good day to remember the last part of Jesus' command to Peter, James, and John, and tell everyone what He has done for you, me, and the whole world. It's a good day to live in God's forgiveness in Christ. It's a good day to live as forgiven people, so that our lives - our words and deeds - reflect God's love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness in Christ to everyone around us. What happened on the Mount of Transfiguration is no longer "Top Secret." Jesus' resurrection proclaims His victory over Sin and evil to all. As we live in His peace and joy we give voice to His salvation so that others might believe and live forever in heaven.

Prayer: Father, forgive me for so often hiding Your gift of salvation in Jesus from others. Too often my words and actions belie that I'm a forgiven sinner in a living and loving relationship with Jesus who is both my Savior and Lord and the world's as well. Too often I act as if Your gift of salvation is "top secret" and fail to share it with others. As You have forgiven me in Jesus, please also strengthen me in Him that I may boldly and cheerfully declare His name in all I say and do. Send Your Holy Spirit into my heart that my life might be a pure and holy reflection of Your gift of salvation so that others might be led to repentance, forgiveness, and faith in Jesus and eternal life with You in heaven. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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