Saturday, February 18, 2006

Remembering God's Sacrifice To Save Us

"Today's Devotion" For February 18, 2006

Read: II Peter 1:12-19; Psalm 77


"I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember Your deeds of long ago."

In an old cemetery in the south of England comes a story that shares a powerful lesson in the fickleness of the human memory. In that cemetery, in the yard of a church in that village, there is a rather unique section. This section holds fifty graves, surrounded by a low brick wall in which a granite slab carries the inscription: "We shall never forget your sacrifice." These graves are the graves of fifty young men from New Zealand, ages 17 to 25, who were apparently stationed in the village during World War I. It appears they were victims of the 1918 flu epidemic.

Sadly, grass chokes the grave sites and the wall is in disrepair. Doesn't sound much like anyone really "remembers" these young men in spire of what the inscription says. In fact, no one in the village can recall who these men were or why this particular section of the cemetery had been erected. Essentially the granite inscription is invalid. The village has long forgotten those young men, why they were there, and the sacrifice they made so far from home.

Peoples' forgetfulness isn't just restricted to this village or the young men who died there. As we observe what goes on around us, how people treat one another and how the world suffers with pain, frustration, hatred, greed, power struggles, lies, deceit, crimes of all kinds, and myriad other problems, it becomes quite obvious that God is also forgotten, much like the young men who died in that village. God is ignored, decried, blasphemed, and cursed. We're told that God is an invention of the human mind; that He's just a figment of our imaginations. Atheists strive to have the phrase, "one nation under God" declared unconstitutional and removed from the "Pledge of Allegiance." People seeking "freedom from religion" strive to have the Ten Commandments removed from courthouses across the nation. There are also those who would deny the use of any Christmas displays on public property.

Yet, when something goes wrong in the lives of those who deny God's existence and His Lordship, they're not averse to saying, "God help me!" We also hear the cry, when such people slam their fingers in a door or hit them with a hammer, "God d..n it!" How often haven't we heard people call upon God in time of trouble, only to push Him aside and forget Him when everything's alright. God is frequently ignored and forgotten as our world strives to be in control of itself. People ignore God, seeking to control their own lives and "destinies."

That God is so often forgotten and ignored in our world is evidenced by the world's morality - or lack thereof. As we look at recent world history we can see God's hand at work delivering the world from a wide assortment of troubles starting with two world wars, an assortment of conflicts and police actions, economic downturns and depressions, disease epidemics and pandemics, tsunamis, horrific tornados and hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions, just to name a few. Yet, not only doesn't the world see God's hand at work, but even His children forget His deliverance. Rather than our world becoming a better place, people continue to find ways to destroy the lives of others and visit pain and suffering upon their neighbors.

In the face of our forgetfulness of God's grace and mercy in our lives, the Psalmist calls us to have long memories concerning the works of the Lord. We are reminded by Peter to remember God's divine power by which he has called us to His glory and excellence through Jesus Christ. Peter exhorts us to never forget how much God loves us and how precious is His forgiveness of all our sins. We want to remember every day that God has made us His very own children in Jesus Christ and that He has called us to be His redeemed children, to live our lives as followers of Christ Jesus, and to share the Good News of salvation with the world. We want to remember that no matter how difficult the times are, that no matter how many troubles, trials, and problems come to us each day, that God sees us through everything, no matter how hard, because He loves us and wants the best for us. The greatest blessing of all is that we, by faith, remember God's sacrifice of His only Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for our salvation. Having such a memory is a special blessing.

Prayer: Father, I know that every day I'm guilty of forgetting You and Your love for me in Jesus. I'm a sinner and I am too often focused on my problems, troubles, and difficulties in life, than I am on Your promises to deliver me and lift me up no matter what troubles I face. I'm too prone, Father, to trying to "do it myself," forgetting that my only true deliverance from Sin and evil is the power of Your Word and Spirit. Forgive me, gracious Father, and help me to trust You for deliverance. Lead me to remember each day that You have blessed Your people throughout the ages with Your presence and protection according to Your promises. Help me to remember Your promises and see Your deliverance from sin and every evil. Help me to share those memories with others so they also might see Your had at work deliverance from trouble. Let every moment of my day be a testimony of my remembrance of Jesus' sacrifice for me. In His name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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