Saturday, January 07, 2006

Living Life With A View Of Heaven

"Today's Devotion" For January 7, 2006

Read: Luke 2:36-38; Psalm 44:1-8


"Coming up to them at that very moment, she (Anna) gave thanks to God and spoke about the Child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem." (Lk.2:38)

We live in an interesting time in history, although I suppose it could be argued that all times in human history are interesting. Just this morning I read a column that spoke about the importance for the United States to develop a meaningful energy policy - a "green policy" - in order to keep the world from being ruled by despots who control the world's oil supplies, drive the price of oil through the roof, and then buy the acquiescence of those they rule while they continue to subject the world to a "petrolistic" terrorism (credit this word and concept to Thomas L. Friedman of the New York Times). It sometimes seems that people are caught up in the past, unaware of the present, and ignorant about how today affects tomorrow - the future. As Friedman points out in his article, if the nation doesn't get a grip on a wise use of energy and develop an energy policy that is wise stewardship of God's blessings (not his words - mine), then we can be quite certain that oil will continue to fund and fuel international terrorism.

Perhaps this view is too pessimistic. On the other hand, one could say that it's a perfectly reasonble understanding of the facts in evidence. It's also a view to the future, based on our present actions, that encourages "thinking outside of the box" in order to overcome potential problems before they become a reality. Is this a good thing? That would depend upon one's point of view. While we can't be certain about what's going to happen tomorrow, we can certainly make some pretty good assumptions based upon available evidence and the historic behavior of people, nations, and the world. What we can be certain of, and this is from a Christian perspective, is that Sin and its resulting evil will continue to work to destroy God's creation and the lives of human beings everywhere. This is the reality we need to daily seek to overcome with the courage, conviction, and confidence God gives us through faith in Jesus.

Anna, the prophetess in Israel, whom we met a few weeks ago as we approached the solemn feast of Christmas, had lived a long life. She had seen the nation of Israel overrun by the Roman Empire. She had seen Roman puppets, usurpers of David's throne, placed as kings over God's people (the line of the Herods stands out). In her heart and spirit rang the promises of God to redeem His people and save them. For many of her fellow Israelites this redemption was understood to be political - David's kingdom and throne would be restored and Israel returned to the glory she knew under David's reign. They lived in the past, acquiesced in the present, and dreamed of a future glory that would be Israel's return to greatness. Yet Anna's words at Jesus' presentation in the Temple and her witness to those around her reflected a deeper understanding of God's promises and what the salvation of Israel was really all about.

Anna had lived her life with a view of heaven. She had looked forward to the day when God would fulfill His promise to save His people from their sins. She had lived a long life, fueled by that blessed hope. When the opportunity arose to point out the One through whom God would save His people she couldn't keep quiet. She knew that people had to change their thinking and believing or they would be lost. Their situation would continue, Sin and evil would have their way, and the hated Romans would not be going away.

By faith in Jesus, we, too, live our lives with a view of heaven. That means we learn from the past, but don't dwell in it. We live in the present, seeing God's hand at work in our lives daily, but don't get wrapped up in it. We look forward to tomorrow with the full knowledge that it's not here until it's here. Living our lives with a view of heaven means that we live each moment with the intention of faithfully serving God in all things and sharing His love in Christ with others. Living life with a view of heaven we will seek to be good stewards of the earth and the blessings God gives us, because we know that such living is pleasing to God. As we live our lives with a view of heaven we recognize the effects of Sin and evil in and on the world and people, but we live in hope and not despair, knowing that, no matter what happens, we belong to our Father in heaven through Jesus. Living life with a view of heaven gives us peace and hope no matter what kinds of evil "isms" seek to hurt us and the world. Living life with a view of heaven is a life of promise and faith and a life of witnessing to God's love for all humanity in Christ.

Prayer: Father, it's so easy for me to be overcome by the troubles of this world and the evil that would seek to keep me from Your love and destroy Your creation. Yet, by the power of Your Word and Spirit You have brought me into a living relationship with You in Jesus so that I might live life with a view of heaven, filled with hope in the midst of despair, peace in the face of disaster, and confidence in the face of impending doom. As You gave Anna the vision to realize that nothing that happened in her world could keep her from seeing Your salvation and so she lived her life with a view of heaven, give me the strength of faith to live my life in the same way. Help me to look to You for strength in everything and for guidance to face the world. Help me to see and understand the direction You are leading me, and help me to draw strength from Your promise of a future in heaven with You. Guide me to always seek Your hand in every circumstance, knowing that You bring salvation to a lost and dying world. In Christ's name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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