Friday, January 27, 2006

How About Some Good News?

"Today's Devotion" For January 27, 2006

Read: Isaiah 52:7-12; John 3:9-21


"How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" (Is. 52:7)

Last night I was struck by the constant barrage of "bad news" with which we've been bombarded for what seems "forever." Close to home the city's homicide rate has been through the roof and we keep making the national news with stories about young folks, in packs, beating up people. The school system is under attack because children seem to be performing no better than they were when the "reforms" started. Then there are Common Council members, aldermen, who seem to have it in their heads that it's "all about them" and not "all about the citizenry." And then, of course, there's always the issue of taxes.

At the county level, the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors is under scrutiny for ethics violations which may even be considered criminal. The County Executive is under fire for "blaming" the previous administration for the budget deficits that were instrumental in forcing a recall of his predecessor. His county parks director is under fire because her department recently revealed a $2.3 million deficit and the park system is still in disrepair after many prior years of neglect under the old regime. Then, here too, there's also the issue of taxes.

At the state level the Governor is under fire for alleged favoritism in awarding certain state contracts on his "watch." He's under fire for allegedly manipulating budgets and further increasing revenues by "sneaking" in user's fees (a silent taxation). Then there are the state legislators who have been indicted or are under indictment for illegal campaign activities (using state workers to campaign for them on public time). Of course, there's the intense partisanship that seems to be gripping the country that seems to bring everything to a standstill and sets state government at odds with itself and with the citizenry.

Had enough? Don't want any more? Whatever state you live in, I suppose the issues aren't a whole lot different, are they? Oh, but there's more. We're just getting started!

The President is under fire for allegedly lying about the reasons for going to war in Iraq. He's under fire for not having a good plan for getting out of Iraq. He's under fire for nominating a "too conservative" judge to fill an open spot on the Supreme Court of the United States. He's under fire for "domestic spying and eavesdropping" to discover potential incursions of foreign terrorists into the United States. He's under fire for not having a sound energy policy. He's under fire because the national debt is growing.

In the Congress of the United States senators and representatives are engaged in, what is in my opinion, the gravest partisan political wars of my lifetime. They're battling over the war on terror, who "knew what, and when did they know it?", what the function and purpose of the Supreme Court is by how they decide who should serve on the Court - ideology or judicial skill, intellect, temperament - and a host of other things which would fill a couple of books.

Then we take a look at the world stage. Not a whole lot of good news there, either. North Korea is always a problem. China won't back sanctions against Iran, who has made no bones about the fact that they hate Israel and the United States and would be more than happy to have the world believe they're not looking to develop atomic weapons. In Pakistan, non-combatants were killed in an air strike against a "terror" cell and the ire of the Pakistani people has been raised against us. Oil continues to fuel tyranny and repression around the world - whoever controls the oil controls the money and the people. People, including our own military personnel, are dying everyday in Iraq as the battle for the hearts and minds of the people continues.

Whewwwwwwwww!!!! As I looked at this morning's newspaper I couldn't help but notice that the tenor of the stories on the city, county, state, national, and world stages wasn't any different or better news than I read yesterday, the day before, the day before that - you get my drift. Everywhere we look we hear and see "bad news." That Sin is alive and well and "killing" people is so obvious that it can't be denied. If anyone doubts there is evil in the world, they're either blind, deaf, and stupid or...well, what else could they be?

How the world is in need of good news! How the world is in need of God's love in Jesus Christ! How the world is in need of hearing that "God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" (Jn. 3;16). This is good news! No! Stop the presses! This is GREAT NEWS! My sins are forgiven! Your sins are forgiven! The God who forgives our sins is the same God who created the universe, the world, and us. The God who created the universe, the world, and us cares enough for His creation to come to earth, take on our human flesh, put Himself under His own Law, obey it in our place, and then take the burden of our sins and the sins of the whole world upon Himself and pay the just penalty for sin and disobedience that every human being deserves to pay.

That really is "GREAT NEWS" isn't it? It's the kind of news that, when shared with each other and believed by one another, makes a difference in how we treat each other and how we live together. There's not going to be a lot of good news on the airwaves and in the news media because sin is everywhere, affecting everyone on so many different levels of life. For every "good news” news report that comes out, it seems there are ten or more "bad news" news reports. Yet, we face all this "bad news" with hearts comforted and filled with God's peace, joy, love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness that God gives us through faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

That "GREAT, GOOD NEWS" from God picks us up and lifts us into His presence each and every day. No matter what's happening in the world, whether at home or abroad, we know, by faith, that God is still in charge and His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness are never ending. We, who believe, not only have the joy and peace of Christ in our lives, but a solemn and joyful commission to share Him with others. We can make a difference in the world, no matter how bad the news or how much evil seems to prevail in the hearts and lives of people, because Jesus has overcome the world, Sin, Death, and Satan for everyone.

With God's peace, joy, love, and forgiveness in our lives of faith, we rejoice each day that we have the opportunity to live and witness for Jesus as we touch the lives of others and serve others in Jesus' name. We can certainly give thanks that God gives us the opportunity to fulfill the hope and promise of Isaiah' words, "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, 'Your God reigns!'" (Is. 52:7). So, how about some Good News? That’s God’s plan for us and the world!

Prayer: Father, I thank and praise You that You have given me the GREAT, GOOD NEWS that my sins are forgiven through faith in Jesus Christ and that I have hope in the face of the bad news that is evident all around me. Give me the courage and strength of faith to face the challenges of the world and the powers of Sin and evil that's so obviously abroad in the land and the world. Lift my eyes to You each day and fill my heart with Your peace that I may face such challenges joyfully and willingly as a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ and a true witness of Your great love to the world. Father, I pray that You would lead me by Your Word and Spirit to be faithful in all things as I serve You and others in Jesus' name and be one of those with the "beautiful feet" that Isaiah speaks about. In the name of the One who is the GREAT, GOOD NEWS to the world for all times, generations, and places, even Jesus Christ, my Savior and Lord I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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