Thursday, January 12, 2006

Growing In Wisdom and Stature

"Today's Devotion" For January 12, 2006

Read: Luke 2:41-51; Proverbs 3:1-3


"And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." (Lk. 2:51)

Have you been watching, listening to, or reading about the confirmation hearings for Judge Samuel Alito as the next justice of the Supreme Court of the United States? Given the media coverage and the apparent acrimony felt by some of the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee toward Judge Alito, no on could be blamed for tuning it out, turning it off, and feeling disgusted. In some ways the acrimony of these hearings are reminiscent of the hearings held in the 60's for Judge Robert Bork - it seems as if some of our erstwhile senators are seeking to "Bork" Judge Alito.

(Sidebar: I just listened to one of those erstwhile senators, a man with a reputation for indiscretion, flouting the law, using poor judgment, and whose integrity and moral turpitude is highly suspect asking questions that bring into question Judge Alito's integrity due to an oversight on the judge's part fifteen years ago. What's even more "hilarious" is that this "confuses" this senator!)

What's so troubling about these hearings, in my opinion, is that any intelligent, thinking person realizes that many of his questioners are seeking a definitive response from him about how he would rule in certain areas of law when each circumstance is unique to itself and the law has to be applied appropriately to the situation. Many of his questioners seem to want to know what his "political and personal" opinions might be when "everyone knows" that a judge's responsibility, especially on the bench of the highest court in the land, is to interpret the law as it applies to each situation, regardless of his or her personal views and beliefs about an issue. It seems obvious that, while "judicial temperament" is a critical issue in determining the fitness of a candidate to the Supreme Court of the United States, the candidate's wisdom, experience, and stature as a legal mind and jurist are even more critical.

As Christians it's also reasonable for us to pray that a Supreme Court Justice also looks to God for wisdom in determining the issues of law. Despite the protestations of many, for someone to make judgments about the law without the guidance of God's wisdom and trust in His purpose is both dangerous and frightening. Balancing the law with mercy and justice isn't something any person is equipped to do by himself/herself - it requires divine guidance. Only with such guidance from God can such a person apply the law fairly and equitably to all people regardless of their race, creed, color, or sex. Perhaps, as the senators look at Judge Alito's qualifications to sit on the United States Supreme Court, they might be better off asking whether he has been "growing in wisdom and stature" and in favor with God and man.

As we look at Luke's account of Jesus' trip to Jerusalem for the Passover at the age of twelve, we are given a picture of Jesus' knowledge and wisdom as a young man. His foray into the Temple to listen to and discuss with the teachers of the law, God's Word and spiritual things tells us that He already had great wisdom and knowledge - today we would call Him a "protégé" or a "savant." But the account doesn't stop there. Instead, by the Holy Spirit's guidance, Luke also tells us that Jesus returned home to Nazareth with Mary and Joseph, was obedient to them, and "grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man" (Lk. 2:51).

This picture of Jesus is one of only a few that shares anything about His childhood. Yet it's an account which shows behavior from Jesus in accordance with the Word of God. His behavior and actions can be seen to be in keeping with the words of Solomon in Proverbs 3 (our second reading for today): "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight" (Pr. 3:5. 6).

Even though He was the Son of God, Jesus also experienced life as a human being with us and for us. The Holy Spirit encourages us in our own growth as God's people by sharing with us that Jesus also grew - that He obviously didn't have "all knowledge" when He was twelve. In the "State of Humiliation" Jesus, although He was true God, "did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness" (Phil 2:6, 7). Growing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man was critical for His mission to redeem the world from the power of Sin, Death, and Satan.

Taking our example from Jesus, we live each day with the prayer that God would continue to help us to grow in wisdom - that we might know His Will and purpose for our lives and that we might know better and better how to share His love and forgiveness in Jesus with others. Taking our example from Jesus, we live each day with the prayer that God would continue to help us grow in stature - that those whose lives we touch each day might see us as servants of the Lamb and people of integrity, courage, faith, hope, and peace in Christ. By God's grace and blessing we grow each day in His wisdom as we feed on His Word. By God's grace and blessing each day we increase in "stature" as we humbly serve others in Jesus' name. By God's grace and blessing each day we stand before Him, clothed in the righteousness of Christ, and are seen by Him as He sees Jesus - perfect and holy members of the Body of Christ.

Prayer: Father, I thank You that You remind me that becoming wise and growing in stature and in favor with You and others is not something to be avoided but welcomed with open arms. You reveal to me that my Lord Jesus Christ identified so completely with me that He needed to grow in wisdom, increase in size (physical stature), and in favor (personal stature) with You and others. Father, I pray that You would send Your Holy Spirit upon me in abundant measure, and through Your gift of Holy Baptism, remind me each day of my need to grow in wisdom through Your Word and grow in favor (personal stature) in the eyes of others as Your humble and blessed servant in Jesus. Forgive me, Father, for so often forgetting that all I am and have are gifts from Your storehouse. Strengthen my faith so that I might use all You give me for the furtherance of Your kingdom by sharing the Good News of salvation in Jesus in every way possible every day. Hear my prayer, dear Father, for Jesus' sake. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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