Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Standing Tall With Jesus

"Today's Devotion" For July 25, 2006

Read: Psalm 25:1-11; Romans 1:1-7, 16-17


"To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul; in You I trust, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me." (Psalm 25:1-2)

Unless we've got a massive ego problem, most of us don't really want to stand out in the crowd. Living life anonymously, without any scrutiny by others, is the safe thing to do. After all, everyone knows that when anything calls attention to oneself, one's life can receive almost microscopic dissection. Our society has become so self-centered and self-righteous that good people of character and intellect, willing hearts and devoted to service, will not run for any type of public office because of the incredible, personal scrutiny and "dirt digging" that passes for media coverage and campaign "truth." This is a malady that affects both ends of the moral, ethical, social, and political spectrum - the "politically correct" bunch and the "right-wingers" all believe that they're right and if you don't agree with them your not.

For God's people, redeemed by Jesus Christ, such treatment is almost commonplace these days. While deferential treatment and constitutional protection is offered to almost every religion in the United States, if one professes Jesus Christ, he or she is often labeled as unloving, uncaring, closed minded, and idiotic. Many of God's redeemed children respond to such treatment by hiding their faith from public view, fall back on the old dodge that "faith is a private matter," and assure the public, as in the case of many politicians and business people, that their "faith" doesn't influence their political or business decisions - which, if you are even a smidgeon intellectually honest, is a contradiction in terms and a statement of irreligion and no faith at all.

King David knew what it was like to be ridiculed for his faith in God. They had laughed at him when he declared he would fight the Philistine giant, Goliath, with only a slingshot - a boy against a man. Goliath himself not only ridiculed David, but also Israel's cowardice in sending out a "boy to do a man's job." Yet David stuck to his guns, convinced that God would be doing the fighting and protecting of Israel through him - that he was only a shepherd boy chosen by God to accomplish His purpose. David also had to put up with the derision he received for his faithfulness to God's promises when he didn't overthrow King Saul, even though he had been anointed by Nathan the prophet to be Israel's next king. Trusting in God's promises, His mercy and grace, and His forgiveness, David faced all the ridicule of people and the nations with confidence and hope.

St. Paul faced very similar circumstances in his life of ministry as an apostle of Jesus Christ. Writing to the church at Rome, Paul knew the challenges to his faith in Jesus, having been ridiculed by those who had once revered him as a "Pharisee of Pharisees," and persecuted and imprisoned for confessing and serving Christ. In His Letter to the Romans, Paul boldly proclaims, "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes...For in the Gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith...just as it is written: "The righteous shall live by faith" (Romans 1:16, 17).

Following the examples of David, Paul, and the other pillars of faith of Scripture - sinners one and all who believed God's forgiveness was theirs - we, too, step forth boldly in faith and stand tall with Jesus. By the power of God's Word and Spirit, continually working in our hearts and lives in the power of Holy Baptism, we are enabled to live boldly by faith as living witnesses to the power of God, the grace of God, and the forgiveness of sins in Christ Jesus. We live lives unconcerned with how the world sees us - our only concern being how God sees us. Living faithfully, filled with hope and peace in Christ because our sins are forgiven and we have His promise of life with Him forever in heaven, we no longer seek to hide from the world, from its scrutiny, or its derision. Rather (and I know this sounds really "weird" from a human standpoint) we welcome all the scrutiny, all the ridicule, and all the hatred and anger for it is confirmation of our faithfulness - people are responding to our witness in word and deed to the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Standing tall with Jesus is a powerful blessing and our life's calling - our vocation - which is manifest in all that we are, all that we do, and all that we say. Standing tall with Jesus takes place as we touch the lives of our families and friends with God's love. It takes place as we live lives of integrity and service in the community, fearlessly speaking the truth in love, regardless of what others may think. It takes place as we accomplish God's purpose for us as spouses, parents, family members, workers, leaders, politicians, or in any other part of life we may be led. Standing tall with Jesus is a real challenge - but the rewards are endless and the lives of the people we touch are blessed by the Lord.

Prayer: Father, it's really very easy for me to go and hide my faith and relationship with You in Jesus from public view and scrutiny. I'm just like everyone else in the anxiety and angst I feel when I face ridicule, derision, or even outright hatred for being one of Your children in Christ - especially when I declare the truth of Your Law and Your Gospel. Because I base my decisions in dealing with others and how I understand life and what's right and wrong on what Your Word says, I find myself all too often as the "odd man out." I'm not alone in avoiding public service because I don't want my life scrutinized by those who seek to find fault with me, especially because I'm a sinner - even though forgiven. Forgive me, Father, for such faithless cowardice. As Your beloved and redeemed child in Christ Jesus, help me to live a life that receives Your forgiveness without concern for how the world sees me. Grant me, Father, the power and presence of Your Holy Spirit that I may continually, strengthened in my identity as Your child in Holy Baptism, stand tall for and with Jesus as a witness to Your redeeming love for all to see. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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