Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Dying To Live Eternally

"Today's Devotion" For April 3, 2007

Read: John 12:23-29; Psalm 47


"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." (John 12:24, 25)

As the weather gets warmer, the ground thaws, and the rains come we who live in the northern climes know that planting season is just around the corner. Not only are the farmers working their fields, but flower aficionados and backyard vegetable gardeners are getting things ready to plant. Where I live, there’s still danger of frost, so most vegetable and flower gardens will have to wait for the seeds and transplants to be put into the ground. It's springtime. Death is being replaced by life. It's a fitting time for Easter to be celebrated.

The imagery that Jesus uses in this section of John is very much in keeping with this season of the year. He is going to be hung on the Cross in just a couple of days. His death will mean life for the world, because He is to bear the sins of the world on His shoulders. He is the "kernel of wheat", itself the most essential of grains, that nourishes and gives life, which gives life, through His suffering and death to all who believe in Him. His death pays the price God's justice requires for our sins, and lifts us up to a new life and relationship with our heavenly Father.

But Jesus also throws in a cautionary word as well. While His death fulfills God's justice, and His resurrection assures us that God has accepted His sacrifice for our sins, bringing forgiveness and hope of eternal life into our lives, Jesus reminds us that while we live in the world we are not of it. If we remain focused on the things of this world, on getting and having things, power, wealth, prestige, fame, and all the other trappings of this world, His sacrifice for our sins will have no lasting effect on our lives. We will remain estranged from our Father in heaven and, in the end, our lives will end, not in God's presence forever, but without Him for eternity.

God's gift of life to us in Christ Jesus leads us to see our time on earth as transitory. As His redeemed and dearly beloved children, we seek to make the most of our time on earth, sharing His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness with others. Rather than seeing life on earth as the epitome of our existence, we long for heaven and hope for God's eternal presence in the face of all the trials and troubles the world throws our way. By faith, filled with hope and God's peace, we seek to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to people everywhere. We willingly and joyfully face any hardship for the sake of the Gospel and the people of this world who don't yet know Jesus, but for whom He died and rose again. Filled with power of God's Word and Spirit, we are literally dying to live eternally, forsaking the world and living for Jesus.

Prayer: Father, life is a precious gift. Life with You because of Jesus' suffering, death, and resurrection is even more precious. All too often I get so engrossed in my life and living that I forget that this life is transitory - it's only true meaning comes in my service to You and others in Jesus' name. Forgive me, Father, for so often forgetting that Jesus' death on the Cross is the beginning of a new life for all the world in Your gracious presence. Help me to remember that if I live for myself, my life is replaced by death, but if I die to myself and live for Jesus, my life is eternal and will be spent in Your presence forever. As I live in that hope and peace, lead me to share Your love and forgiveness with others so they, too, may die to self and live forever in Jesus; in His precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright © 2007 by Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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