Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Those Darned "Thorns In The Flesh"

"Today's Devotion" For August 22, 2006

Read: II Corinthians 12:7-10; Philippians 3:1-11


"But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." (II Corinthians 12:9)

The longer I live the more I become aware of the weaknesses of the human body. I've struggled for years with my weight, even having gastric bypass surgery a couple of years ago, and still haven't won the "battle of the bulge." The excessive weight I carry around has a terribly negative effect on my internal organs - heart, liver, kidneys - and joints. My circulation isn't always the best in my legs and I don't sleep as well as I would like, so that I'm often tired and not able to be as alert as I'd like. Mentally this has an effect as well, and I find myself not being able to focus on things the way I'd like. In some ways one could say I'm a mess. And, I suppose from a certain frame of reference that's true. I prefer, however, to look at the situation as "being in good shape for the shape I'm in."

What I've learned facing these physical and mental challenges is that the endeavors of both my body and mind aren't totally mine to control. I realize that God has blessed me with many talents, gifts, and abilities. At the same time I also realize that I've not always used them to His glory and the benefit of others. My human nature is selfish that way. Sin leads me to put more stock in myself, my ideas, and my abilities than is safe for my relationship with God. As I look at my life I see that I have often been less than humble in my attitude and dealings with others. Despite God's many blessings to me, I have too often failed to use them in service to others. Too often I find I've been quite arrogant and unfeeling, uncaring and unloving toward others. I've also found that, as I face the challenges that my health places in front of me, I have become less self-sufficient and more dependent upon God.

I'm not usually given to telling you about myself - hinting maybe but never so blatantly. But, in this case, I just couldn't point a finger at anyone else. St. Paul's experience with his "thorn in the flesh" is an encouragement for me when I begin to feel sorry for myself because I can't do all the things I'd like to do, nor accomplish all the things I believe I should have accomplished. Each day is a wonderful opportunity to see God's hand at work - when things seem the toughest, whether spiritually, mentally, physically, or financially, He always comes through with just what is needed. As He does so He reminds me of His love for me and His promises to provide what's necessary for life and living. It's a constant encouragement to meet every challenge of each day with courage, hope, strength, and purpose, because God's "grace is sufficient" and His "power is made perfect in weakness."

All of us experience times where we need to be brought up short by our Father in heaven because we're ignoring Him and going our own way. Our sinful arrogance and self-reliance - much encouraged by our culture - so often leads us to think and act as if we don't need God. It's our downfall and the backdoor through which Sin keeps building the wall of separation between us and God. It's at these times and in such circumstances that those "darned thorns in the flesh" become God's blessings to us. By faith in Jesus as our Savior and Lord we are God's redeemed and blessed children. We have a marvelous, wonderful story to tell others about His marvelous grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness purchased for all humanity with Jesus' blood on the Cross. It's those "darned thorns in the flesh" that are reminders to us that we need God's love and that through Him alone do we have the strength to live life to the full.

Prayer: Father, I have to confess that all too often I depend more upon myself than You when it comes to how I live my life and meet the challenges that I face daily. Sin has that very challenging letter "I" in it - it's the letter I to which I gravitate when it comes to living my life and accomplishing things. Yet, without Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness anything and everything I do means nothing because it doesn't serve You or others in Jesus' name. Forgive me, gracious Father, for my selfishness and self-dependence.

By the power of Your Word and Spirit and the washing of my Baptism keep me ever mindful that You have made me Your very own child and an heir of eternal life in Jesus. Help me to remember each day that those "darned thorns in the flesh" that affect my life are Your loving and gentle reminders to me that my life is good only when You are in it. Let me use those "darned thorns in the flesh" as encouragement to share Your love with others so they too might depend on Your love in Christ; in whose precious name I pray. Amen. *******************************

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Living With A Spirit Of Power

"Today's Devotion" For August 21, 2006

Read: II Timothy 1:6-14; I Peter 3:8-12


"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline. So do not be ashamed to testify about our Lord...join with me in suffering for the Gospel." (II Timothy 1:7, 8)

In the early part of the 20th Century, the United States was a neutral country when it came to world affairs. The prevailing mood in Washington and in communities around the nation was "Isolationism." This meant that not only was the nation neutral when it came to the disputes of other nations, but, for the most part, the United States wasn't concerned with what was going on outside of its own borders. When war in Europe broke out about 1914, the American public certainly kept its eye on any news that came this way, but it was the Kaiser's war and none of this nation's business.

While maintaining its neutrality, the United States also tried to broker a peace between the major combatants, raising the ire of both Britain and Germany. Germany and its allies were carrying on "total war" which meant they sought to totally destroy their enemies, bringing all their resources to bear on the effort (and discarding any political considerations). This resulted in unrestricted undersea warfare which caused significant losses of U.S. ships as they carried on commerce with Europe. The straw that broke the camel's back, however, came when a German U-boat sunk the British steamship, Lusitania, with the loss of all life, including 150 Americans.

Facing up to the problems of the world is a real challenge for us. We'd really like for things to be simple, easy, and non-controversial. We'd like others to leave us alone and we'll leave them alone. And, while these sentiments may make us "feel good," the reality of life is that we can't ever remain neutral if we're going to face the challenges and problems life throws at us. There is evil in the world. There are other people besides ourselves who live in this world and have hopes and dreams, pain and despair, just as we do. Sin affects the lives of everyone of every time and place. There's a war going on in the world - the spiritual world is at the heart of it - and human beings, for the most part, want to ignore it. Very much like the United States prior to World War I (and, incidentally, following World War I - we didn't learn our lesson), human nature tries to keep us aloof from the problems of the world and our neighbors, until something happens that forces us to take action and care.

Paul's encouragement is for God's children in Christ not to shirk from the pain, suffering, and other challenges that Sin foists upon the world. Rather, he calls us to live our lives of faith with a "spirit of power," knowing that God has redeemed us from the power of Sin, Death, and Satan in Jesus Christ. He doesn't want us to wait until the "Lusitania" is sunk before we act, but to step forth boldly in faith and, facing suffering for the sake of the Gospel, declare the marvelous gift of God's grace to the world - Christ died for the sins of all humanity. Peter calls us "chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that (we) may declare the praises of Him who called (us) out of darkness into His marvelous light" (I Peter 2:18), all so that we might act proactively to overcome the power of Sin and evil in the world with God's Good News in Christ.

As God's people then, we don't shirk from our calling to be witnesses of Christ and proclaimers of the Gospel in the face of Sin and unbelieff. We live our lives, in the power of our Baptisms into Christ, with a spirit of power so that we might face the spiritual warfare of this world with courage and strength of faith. By faith we are empowered to step forth boldly, in love and commitment to God and our neighbor, to speak the truth, to face evil, and to overcome and share God's peace with the world.

Prayer: Father, all too often I follow the path of timidity, unwilling to confront evil, decry sin, and fight for what is right and pleasing in Your eyes. It's my nature as a sinful human being to sit back and let other people live their lives without even a whimper from me about Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness in Christ. Father, I need to be reminded each day that in Christ I can live for You filled with Your Spirit of power, and in so living, give a ready and unashamed testimony of Your gift of salvation to the world in Jesus. As You have called me to be Your own special child, help me to boldly and unvailingly declare the wonders of Your love in Jesus to others so they, too, might be Your own special children living with Your Spirit of power. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Depending On God's Protection

"Today's Devotion" For August 18, 2006

Read: Genesis 3:8-19; Psalm 32


"You are my hiding place; You will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance."(Psalm 32:7)

World events are having a deleterious effect upon people's senses of security and safety. It's amazing that the same events, events which are rocking the world's security and peace, are seen and understood from widely divergent points of view. What's understood as evil to some is seen as justified by others. The sectarian violence in Iraq is blamed on the presence of U.S. forces in the country - even though a great deal of the violence isn't directed at those forces. Iran and North Korea seek nuclear capability as their sovereign right while the rest of the world sees a renewed nuclear arms race. Israel jails terrorists that belong to Hezbollah, move out of the Golan Heights and Gaza, leave southern Lebanon, and they are still attacked, their people kidnapped. When they respond in self-defense they are chastised as responding too harshly and the perpetrators become the victims.

It's been this way since the Fall into Sin in Eden. First Adam blamed God for giving him such a "wicked" wife. Then he turned on Eve and blamed her for his sin. When confronted by God, Eve immediately turned the spotlight of blame in the serpent. In the process, humanity's relationship with God was damaged, human relationships were tanked, and a huge rift between people and the rest of creation ensued. Each party in this tragedy saw the events in the Garden in completely different ways. God's truth and His Will were dismissed as being too harsh and too exclusive. Man and woman determined that they could do just as well as God, and the very creation for which they were supposed to exercise stewardship became an enemy.

Because of Sin in the world people die every day. Because of humanity's disobedience to God's Will and Word people fight each other, ignore God's truth, destroy the environment, and decide what "truth" is according to a faulty standard. Yet God, in His infinite grace and mercy meets our foolish attempts to redefine His truth, to make ourselves gods, and to exclude Him from our thinking with compassion, love, and forgiveness.

As He promised to Adam and Eve, Abraham and the patriarchs, and to all His people throughout the ages, He has redeemed humanity from the curse of Sin, the power of Death, and wiles of Satan through the innocent blood of Christ, sacrificed for all of us on the Cross. In Jesus' full obedience to God's Will God's Law was fulfilled. In His innocent suffering and death He paid the ultimate price for Sin which every human being is responsible to pay. His resurrection is the Father's loving statement that Christ's sacrifice is acceptable and His righteousness saves all who believe in Him.

Even though life had become a horrible nightmare for Adam and Eve, God's love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness were theirs. They knew fear for the first time because they disobeyed God, yet God's promise and compassion gave them comfort and strength, hope and peace. No matter what troubles and dangers we may face in our lives, none is greater than the power of Sin to keep us from God's love and eternity with Christ. In Jesus the power of Sin, death, and Satan is destroyed and God extends His loving hand to everyone, everywhere, with the promise of hope, peace, joy, and forgiveness. We live our lives in faith, depending on God's protection from all things that would harm us and keep us from Him - physical or spiritual. Christ is our deliverance.

Prayer: Father, it's all too easy to fall into the trap of self-determination; to believe that I am the master of my destiny and my future is in my hands. As I look around me in the world I see that attitude everywhere. I see people trying to control the lives of others, even take their lives, because they can’t agree politically. I see hatred for others because they don't look the same, believe the same, or think the same. Yet, in Your infinite grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness You sent Jesus to be fully obedient to You in all things because I and no other human beings can, and then You exacted the full punishment for Sin from Him on the Cross - all so that I and all who believe in Him might be forgiven, redeemed, and restored to You forever. Remind me each day of Your protection and deliverance from all that would seek to keep me from You, and strengthen my faith in Jesus that I may live my life in a way that is pleasing to You and a true witness to Your love in Christ to others. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Guided In Life By God's Truth

"Today's Devotion" For August 4, 2003

Read: Romans 1:1-17; Psalm 139


"Show me Your ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths; guide me in Your truth and teach me, for You are God my Savior and my hope is in You all day long." (Psalm 25:4, 5)

Last night I watched a movie which really got my attention. It's called "The Ron Clark Story." It's the story of a man from the Midwest who went to New York City, got a job as a teacher in one of its most troubled schools, and, with grace, love, and an indomitable spirit, took a class of sixth graders out of the pits of despair to the heights of learning and accomplishment. His class of ragamuffins took a required New York State exam and scored higher than even the honors classes in the state. Because of his encouragement, his cajoling, his pushing, his tenacity, and, above all his love and respect for his students, those young people overcame their streets and neighborhoods and started the long road to being the people God intended for them to be.

What Ron Clark did for those sixth graders was to teach them, using different methods and forms, what it was to learn and what it meant to understand. Rather than allowing them to wallow in ignorance, despair, and self-pity he found new and different ways to relate to them and guide them into effective learning. Rather than allowing them to give up on themselves, he pointed them in the right direction and kept on pushing them up the hill of learning to greater success, knowledge, and, we hope, wisdom. In the end, Mr. Clark's dedication to his students and his dedication to helping them learn is the first step in preparing them to responsible leaders and citizens in our communities, states, and nation.

Our Father in heaven also seeks to help us to grow in faith and knowledge of Him. He continues to send His Word and Spirit to us that we might be freed from the spiritual ignorance of Sin, the struggle with spiritual despair, and the self-pity that Sin encourages in us. Through the truth of His Word and the power of His Spirit, He teaches us who He is, who we are, what He made us to be and do, why He created the world, and, among many other things, how He continues to work in this world to sustain it, the universe, and our lives, as well as how He blesses us with His love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness.

There are myriad people offering all sorts of information and opinions about the origins of the universe, the earth, and humanity. They even issue dictums as to what constitutes socially acceptable behavior, which are often at great odds with God's Will and Word. The information deemed reliable is too often tainted by human self-service, and the opinions and dictums refuse to recognize God's presence and hand in the universe, the world, and people's lives. The power of "chance" is substituted for the miracle and power of creation.

But the universe and the earth didn't come to be by chance. They have a design and a purpose. Above all, we human beings didn't come into existence by chance - we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) - so that we might work with God to care for and preserve the world and share His love with each other and walk in a personal relationship with Him through Christ our Lord. It's this truth - this knowledge - which leads us to greater acts of service for the benefit of others and the praise and glory of God. In the truth of God's Word we find hope - hope for living today and hope for our eternal tomorrow in the presence of Christ in heaven. It's this hope that sustains us and keeps us strong in the face of every temptation and trial of Sin, for our God and Savior has redeemed us to Himself.

Prayer: Father, I find that many people believe that if I trust Your Word I'm a fool and an ignoramus. They question my intelligence and my good sense. The world is full of people who purport to know what's best for me without any regard to Your Word and Will. All to often I find myself falling into the trap of "caring" about what such people think and say, so that what's true according to Your Word becomes a stumbling block in my daily life. Forgive me, Father, for failing to remember at all times that Your Spirit is my Teacher who shows me truly who I am and what Your purpose for my life is. Help me to seek Your purpose in my life each day that I may live in a full and loving relationship with You, forgiven and restored to You in Christ, and actively sharing Your Good News with the world. As Your truth, according to Your Word and Spirit guide my life each day, I pray that You would use my life - my actions and words - as a living testimony to others of that same truth for their own salvation. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Jesus' Victory Brings Us Peace

"Today's Devotion" For August 16, 2006

Read: John 16:17-33; I John 5:1-5


"I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace; in this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world."

Has everyone gone mad? Sometimes it seems that way when you listen to the things being said by those who would be our leaders. Now a former U.S. President has accused Israel of overreacting to the attacks of the terrorist organization, Hezbollah, and killing Lebanese civilians. He has also faulted the U.S. for backing Israel.. With the U.N. ceasefire in place, the Hezbollah, having hidden themselves among civilians during the conflict, causing the deaths of hundreds of Lebanese civilian non-combatants, are now helping people return to their homes, giving them money, and working to show themselves to be the "good guys" and Israel the "bad guys."

It's scary to realize that so many of our leaders can't see that there's evil in the world. When they even acknowledge evil, they have the mistaken impression that evil is willing to negotiate. Yet, the very essence of evil is to seek its own gain at the expense of others. Instead of being cautious in dealing with those who seek to destroy everything that doesn't fit their worldview, too many of our leaders fall into the trap of praising the enemy and ignoring the evil they espouse.

Of course, global conflict isn't the only scary thing in this world. Crime, drunk driving, drugs, smoking, and a host of other "evils" face us every day. Our sense of security and personal wellbeing are constantly under attack. The list of potential dangers to life and limb is seemingly endless. We're in a constant struggle to maintain our physical, spiritual, economic, and emotional equilibrium as we face the uncertainties of life on a daily basis.

By God's grace, however, and in His great love for us, the world doesn't need to be such a scary place. Our Lord Jesus comforts us and gives us hope when He reminds us that He has overcome the world. The world may be turning itself upside down but we have nothing to fear. Every trouble, every hardship, every rumor or fact of war, every act of terrorism, every economic calamity, and every catastrophe, whether natural or manmade has no power to keep us from or remove us from God's love for us in Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ has overcome Sin, Death, and Satan for us by His suffering, death, and resurrection. Because of His sacrifice, we, by faith in Him, are empowered to overcome a whole lot of evil with a whole lot of hope. Because Jesus has overcome the world we are at peace in our hearts and with God.

Prayer: Father, as I face a world of hatred, fear, war, disease, crime, and a host of other maladies brought about by Sin, I am comforted and strengthened by the hope You give me in Jesus. You give me hope because in Him Sin, Death, and Satan have been overcome. In my place, my Lord Jesus Christ has paid the price for my sins and has brought peace into my heart and life. Give me the courage, faith, and commitment to tell everyone about this Good News - that Christ has overcome the world and no one has to be afraid anymore. Help me to not only live in Your forgiveness and hope, but also to live them as I touch the lives of others in Your name. May my life be a living, winsome witness to other so they might also come to know Your peace forever. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Freed By The Truth

"Today's Devotion" For August 15, 2006

Read: II Timothy 3:10-4:5; Psalm 111


"If you believe My Word, then are you My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." (John 8:31b, 32)

One of the most devastating aspects of a world at war is the negation of the truth. Propaganda is the order of the day. Governments, news media, and "talking heads" filter the news and put twists and turns on it so that what is portrayed if often far from the unvarnished truth. If you're in Iran right now, the Iranian president is assuring the people that Israel's been defeated in its war with Hezbollah. The leader of the Hezbollah is doing the same thing. World leaders have condemned Israel's response to Hezbollah as disproportionate, and thus, as one wag put it, falling far short of the principles of a "just war." At the same time, no international outcry has been raised against the terrorist group Hezbollah which is covering its actions by helping the returning refugees to southern Lebanon rebuild.

Our President is being accused of falsifying information to get us into a war in Iraq. The same people who once voted for the war now vote against it. Whenever there is a success in the fight, someone is sure to throw a monkey wrench into the works because he or she doesn't want this President to get any positive credit for anything. The "smell test" for truth in such cases seems to apply only to those about whom the "purveyors of truth" are speaking, never to themselves. In the end, knowing what's true in such affairs is hard to determine.

If we're looking for the truth about current events, whether they're on the world stage, local, state, or national politics, or in areas of life and living that we all experience daily - economics, community issues, crime, etc. - we can be reasonably certain that whatever truth is available to us will be couched in "shades of gray." Reliability of information and, thus, of the truth, is a suspect commodity in our world.

Living in a sin-filled world, it's important for us to have a source of unvarnished truth, a source which doesn't care about what others may think or do, and a source which seeks only to speak the truth in love so that people can have a source of certainty and hope in their lives. Jesus' disciples had such a need, just as we do, and Jesus made certain they had a focal point for truth - His Word. He assured them that believing His Word - that it is true and reliable and given for their benefit, out of love - would set them free from the power of doubt and uncertainty which Sin tries to cultivate in order to keep people under its control.

Jesus' assures us that by faith in Him - in His suffering, death, and resurrection for our sins and the sins of the whole world - we are set free from the bondage of Sin which blinds us to the truth about God, His creation, and His gift of salvation to us in Christ Jesus our Lord. Our eyes are open to seeing God's hand at work in all of life, even in times of war and destruction, economic hardship, famine, disease, civil unrest, and mounting crime. By faith we know that nothing can keep us from His love for us in Jesus. We know and believe that His truth, as revealed His Word, sets us free to see the world as it really is and be winsome witnesses of His love so that others might also see His truth fulfilled in Jesus.

Prayer: Father, in a world that always seems to be turning itself upside down and inside out because of conflicting "truths" espoused by those who would control the lives of others, I thank You that You have given me Your Word of truth against which I can measure all other "truths." Forgive me for so often forgetting to consult You and Your Word when faced with the "truths" of the world which so often contradict Your Will and Your love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness in Christ. Help me to keep my eyes always on Jesus, knowing that in Him is forgiveness, hope, and the strength to live as a bold and winsome witness of Your salvation for the world. Send Your Spirit upon me in abundant measure that I might be wise unto salvation, confident of Your love and forgiveness, and bold in my living for You; in Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Rescued In Christ Jesus

"Today's Devotion" For August 14, 2006

Read: I Thessalonians 1:1-11; Psalm 31


"For He (the Father) has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves, in Whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." (Colossians 1:13, 14)

A ceasefire brokered by the UN goes into effect today in the Middle East between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Skirmishes still continue; people are still dying. The UN is supposed to insert a multinational peacekeeping force into southern Lebanon and the Lebanese Army is supposed to go into an area controlled by a Hezbollah military force which has usurped the Lebanese Army's authority for some time. Iran and Syria are trumpeting the ceasefire as a triumph over Israel. Iran is especially emboldened by this action to step up its propaganda attacks against the United States.

As we listen to this news and observe the behavior of the characters, it's clear that as much as things change they remain the same. One "war" is stopped only to open the door to another. Rhetoric is used to foment hatred, anger, discontent, prejudice, racism and just about anything other than peace. Politicians run around spouting platitudes as to how each of them has "the answer" for the world's problems, or, more specifically, the latest conflict.

Not only are there trouble spots in the world where people are fighting and dying, but there are also places where famine, disease, and hopelessness prevail. Inflation, we're told, especially encouraged by the continually rising cost of a barrel of crude oil, has the potential to decimate the economy of our nation as well as the world. Even those of means are finding that the dollar doesn't stretch as far as it used to. The burdens people feel on their lives and their hearts are getting heavier. God's people are also affected by these burdens in their own lives.

If anyone doubts that Sin is in the world, they only need to look at the evil that is evident in the events of the day - the fighting, the greed, the illness and disease and a host of other maladies of body, soul, and spirit fomented by Sin in our lives. Sin is the source of all the uncertainty, dismay, pain, and suffering in the world. While people everywhere are searching for hope, comfort, and peace in their lives and hearts, they're often looking in all the wrong places. Hope is a cherished blessings and people are seeking that hope in the face of all of life's uncertainties - hope that assures them that they can be saved from the power of Sin and the pain and suffering it brings into the world.

As we observe, and even feel, such yearning for hope and salvation in the face of death and destruction, hatred and despair, we are led to see the powerful hand of God rescuing us. By God's grace in Christ we are no longer subject to the vagaries of Sin and our own search for meaning and hope, but we are turned to Jesus Who is "the way, the truth, and the life," for all of God's people and for the whole world. The hope and peace of the world can't depend upon UN ceasefire resolutions, intervention of military force, or clever negotiations by politicians. Hope and peace are certainly not going to gain any traction from the political posturing and vitriol with which the leaders of various nations seek to gain the upper hand.

Hope and peace for the world is found nowhere else than in God's love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. He is the "lamb of God that takes away the Sin of the World." By faith in Him we can be certain that it doesn't matter what happens in the world, we belong to Him and nothing can separate us from His love. He emphatically pronounces us to be His restored, redeemed children. And He reminds us that He has called us to the special task of being His disciples to a lost and dying world and bringing into their lives the Good News that a true and lasting peace is theirs through faith in Christ. (cf. Eph. 1:3-14)

Prayer: Father, as I enter into a new week, I realize that the pain and suffering we human beings put upon each other isn't going to end any time soon. At the same time, I thank You for the opportunities You give to me and all Your children to be living witnesses of Your peace for the world in Jesus. Thank You for the gift of faith in Christ so that I might know Your peace and joy, even in the midst of war, famine, and pestilence. Bless those in need of Your loving kindness and peace that they may also come to a point of peace in their lives, even in the face of the evil that seeks to destroy God's people and what He has created. Let my life be a witness to that peace and hope; in Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Life Restored By Jesus

"Today's Devotion" For August 10, 2006

Read: John 11:17-44; I Corinthians 15:50-57


"Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?" (John 11:25, 26)

Last week news came that two Wisconsin men, ages 19 and 20, missing for 40 years, had been found. Their car was found buried in a lake, deep in silt and weeds where it had sunk back in 1966. Once they'd gotten into their car to head for home they were never seen again. A collective sigh of relief was offered by their family members as they finally found out what had happened to their loved ones.

On another note, death is rampant in our world as we are a world at war. Terrorism is able to strike anywhere at anytime. We've just been made aware of the most massive plot of terrorism against the U.S. and Britain since "9-11." Precautions and security have been heightened and long lines await people once again at the airports. New regulations prohibit even more items from being carried on to an aircraft. Tensions are high and people have fear for their lives. At the same time many are breathing sighs of relief that they weren't the next victims of terrorists.

While such a strike was averted in this case, many other acts of terrorism daily claim human lives around the world. U. S. soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines are fighting and dying in the battle against terrorism in places like Iraq and Afghanistan. Terrorists are striking the civilians of these countries as well as many places in Africa and Asia. In the Middle East we also find that Israeli soldiers and civilians are facing death and destruction from Hezbollah terrorists attacking Israel; these terrorists, hiding among the civilian population of Lebanon are also the cause of civilian deaths as the Israelis engage them in combat.

But death doesn't just take on the hue of accidental deaths or terrorist activity, or sectarian violence. Our city streets see death come knocking regularly as gun violence affects the young and old alike. Poor people who can't afford medical care die of maladies that might have been treated or prevented if they'd gone to see a doctor. When the recent heat wave hit around the nation, news reports revealed the deaths of people, particularly the poor and elderly, who couldn't afford the electricity to run air conditioners to stay cool.

We live in a dangerous world. For some of us, life is a precious blessing; for others it's cheap, especially if it's not their own. We can see the power of Sin in the world by how people value or don't value life. The consequences of Sin in the world are revealed in sickness, disease, poverty, crime, war, terror, and a host of other "maladies." Jesus' handling of Lazarus's illness gives us pause to realize that Sin has very real consequences in the here and now, not just in eternity.

Those consequences of Sin, however, have been overcome by Jesus on the Cross. Because of His sacrifice, Sin no longer has a hold on us that will keep us from God's love. We believe Jesus' declaration that He is "the resurrection and the life." His raising of Lazarus from the grave was but a small reminder of His true power and authority over life and death. He has overcome death and the grave for us by His suffering, death, and resurrection. With a confident faith and trust in Him we therefore are encouraged despite the evils of the world that would threaten our lives both physically and spiritually. Along with Martha, we are blessed to confess, "Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ." In that faith and trust in Him we find that life is restored in Him.

Prayer: Father, it's really very easy to be discouraged by the apparent disregard for human life that is running rampant in the world. Whether it's disease, poverty, hatred, terrorism, war, crime, or a host of other maladies of Sin in the world, life is very cheap for so many people. While the world pays lipservice to the idea of the "dignity of human life," it so often ignores what it means to truly uphold the sanctity of life for everyone. Give me the strength of faith to remember that no matter what I may face in life, in Jesus nothing can separate me from Your love and nothing can keep me from being with You in heaven. Father, thank You for delivering me from the power of Sin in my life and lead me to share my joy and peace for the life that Jesus has restored to me with those in need of knowing Him as Savior; in His precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

What's Your Claim To Fame?

"Today's Devotion" For August 9, 2006

Read: Mark 9:33-37; I Corinthians 13


"The greatest among you will be your servant. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted." (Matthew 23:11, 12)

Americans are enamored with fame. This past weekend saw the latest induction of the current class for the Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. For the most part the inductees were acknowledged for their prowess on the football field or in support of the game. Similar events occur almost every year for baseball (Cooperstown), basketball (Springfield, MA), soccer, country music, tennis, college football, rock and roll, inventors, and a host of other skills, talents, abilities, and interests (even including WWE wrestling "superstars"). We set up memorials to great events, great people, great sacrifices, and a whole lot of other "greats" in our culture. Notably, as I have observed over my lifetime, the people elected to these "halls of fame" aren't generally elected because of their humility, their love for others, or their civic activities. They are elected because they were prominent in their sport or field of endeavor, regarded as the "elite of the elite," and their names are synonymous with the activity in which they engaged.

Human nature strives for recognition. Even the most "Casper Milquetoast" kind of person wants to be acknowledged and recognized. Nothing motivates a "wall flower" at a dance more than being asked to step away from the safety of the wall and the periphery of the event and become a part of the action and energy of the party or event. Yet, all our craving for recognition, even fame, means nothing if all the recognition and acknowledgement only serve to place us above others and inure us to the needs and dignity of others. It's not so hard to understand that "fame" can go to one's head - we've seen it over and over again, perhaps even in our own lives - and being the people of God becomes inconsequential to our "success."

Jesus warns His disciples of this when He points out the inconsistencies of the scribes and Pharisees, the leaders of Israel, who placed all sorts of requirements on others, but didn't apply them to themselves. Their outward appearance and behavior set them up as being better than everyone else - more holy, more spiritual, more obedient to God. Yet they had forgotten that God sees the condition of the heart and isn't concerned with outward appearances. Their sense of self-importance took precedence over being compassionate, caring, and loving toward others. They were more concerned with how others saw them than with how God saw them.

It's trap we can easily fall into ourselves. While God may allow us to accomplish great things for the sake of others and in His name, it's always important to remember that all that we are and have comes from Him. Above all He has made us His very own children, washing us clean from our sins in the blood of Christ, and assuring us of His grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness in all of our living. We have the sure and certain hope of heaven, not because of what we've done, but because of Jesus' sacrifice for our sins on the Cross. The saving faith we need to receive those blessings from God is solely and only His gift to us - unearned and undeserved.

St. Paul reminds us that in Christ our thinking, feeling, and being is completely different from the world's way of thinking. While it's a great thing to be acknowledged for one's success in a sport or a field of endeavor, if that's all people see when they look at us, it's hardly a claim to fame of any consequence. If people don't see Jesus in us, don't hear about Jesus through our words and actions, and they don't even know we are His redeemed children, then all the "fame" in the world isn't going to cut it. When Paul writes the words of that great chapter on "love" - "agape" - in I Corinthians 13, he not only reminds of this truth, but points us finally to the ultimate "fame" of God's people - self-sacrificing "agape" for others. It's a love that only comes from God and can only come from us as God works in and through us in the lives of others. That's the Christian disciple's claim to fame - loving others in Jesus' name and sharing the Good News of salvation in Him with everyone.

Prayer: Father, it's not too very difficult for me to get my priorities confused when it comes to my service to You and others in Your name and my own need for recognition and acceptance. My sinful human nature leads me to want to be acknowledged and recognized for what I do. My push to be successful often fails to truly define what meaning of "success" is pleasing to You. Forgive me for seeking my "claim to fame" in all the wrong places. Fill me with the power of Your Word and Spirit that I might walk humbly before You, acknowledging that all I am and have are gifts of Your grace and to be used to Your glory and the blessings of others in Your name. Let my life be a constant testimony to Your greatness, Father, and Your love and forgiveness for the whole world in Christ Jesus, my Savior and Lord; in whose precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

God Is Always Working For Our Good

"Today's Devotion" For August 8, 2006

Read: Romans 8:18-39; Psalm 147


"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Over the past couple of weeks life at our house has been faced with just a few challenges. My wife, Susan, got word about two weeks ago that the school in which she's been teaching for the past 10 years may have to close because of mismanagement on the part of the administration. That means not only the loss of income but the loss of our health insurance, impacting health coverage requirements for our children in high school and those in college. Less than a week after getting this news, on a Sunday morning, we discovered that someone had stolen my van right out of our driveway from between the buildings. The insurance claim isn't going to be much since it was an old van - to replace it will be impossible.

Now, in the grand scheme of life, these situations are but a small pimple in the road. When I think about the many people who are starving, have no clean clothing, or a roof over their heads, live in constant fear of their lives because they live in war torn parts of the earth or crime infested communities, or the many people who have no family or friends to turn to in time of need, and the many people who have poor health and no access to medical care, and...well, you get the picture...I realize that the events of the past couple of weeks don't match up in comparison. They're annoying, that's true. But they aren't the end of the world.

Perhaps you're experiencing such challenges in your life also. No doubt all of us have had some annoyances in our lives - things that cut into the smooth operation of our existence and cause a bit of angst. At the time they may have seemed overwhelming and debilitating. What's often the case for us when we're faced with such circumstances is that we forget to look for God's hand in them.

St. Paul certainly knew what it was to face seemingly insurmountable troubles, challenges, and odds. Throughout his ministry he was faced with danger, ridicule, jail, and, finally, death. In spite of those obstacles, he kept his eyes on the prize of his calling in Christ - the forgiveness of sins and the hope of heaven. Thus, he could write to the Roman church and Christians everywhere that God's hand was and is at work in every aspect of our lives and that no matter the circumstances we may face, "all things work together for the good of those who love Him" for He has a purpose in mind for each of us through Christ our Lord (Romans 8:28).

It's now two weeks since Susan found out she might be losing her teaching position. In those two weeks she's been working hard to solve the problems that are facing the school. She's received assistance from a congregation that is adamant that they're going to overcome this hurdle and are feverishly working with her and other teachers to rectify the administrative issues and keep the school open. Perhaps, for the first time in many years, the congregation realizes that the mission God has given them has been neglected and is in danger of failure, and it has galvanized them to action.

Will the school remain open? That question is still unanswered. What we do know however is that God has a purpose in mind for the school, for the congregation, for the teachers, and for all the children seeking enrollment for this next year. In each of our lives the uncertainties can mount as well. Yet, as St. Paul notes for us, God has a purpose for us - He has called us in Christ to that purpose and everything will turn out for our good, especially as it regards our relationship with Him, the forgiveness of our sins, and the final hope of life with Christ forever in heaven. We can be certain that God is always working for our good for we are His dearly loved children, redeemed in Christ.

Prayer: Father, help me to face the challenges and dangers of life on earth with confidence, hope, and joy, knowing that You're in charge of everything and nothing can separate me from Your love. Give me the confidence to trust that “all things work together for the good of those who love You, who have been called according to Your purpose.” In that trust, help me to walk with my head held high, filled with faith and trust in Christ Jesus, my Savior and Lord. In that faith lead me to be a true ambassador of Your peace to the world. Keep me from being afraid or uncertain about the future, and help me to put myself and the whole world in Your loving, all-powerful, and caring hands each and every day. So fill me with faith, by the power of Your Word and Spirit, that I might step forth in life each day, assured that I never walk alone and that I have hope and joy in Jesus; in Whose name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Getting Away With "Murder?"

"Today's Devotion" For August 7, 2006

Read: II Samuel 11:26-12:15; Psalm 32


"Then I acknowledged my sin to You and did not cover my iniquity. I said, 'I will confess my transgression to the Lord-and You forgave the guilt of my sin.'"(Ps.32:5)

Most of us have heard the old accusation, "He got away with 'murder.'" Often that statement is applied to situations where one child seems to get more leeway on their behavior than a sibling might. "He (or she) just gets away with 'murder,'" has often been heard around office coolers when people gossip about the apparent impunity with which another co-worker can act when others are not allowed to act in the same way. Of course, the same sentiment has been registered when someone accused of an actual murder has been exonerated of the charge even though that person is guilty.

Can there be any doubt that if we could all "get away with 'murder'" we would? No one wants to be held accountable for their actions - it's just not part of our sinful human nature. If we can hide from our sins, hide our sins from others, or blame someone else for our behavior, our natural tendency is to do just that. Adam and Eve did that very thing when they tried to hide their sin and guilt for disobeying God in the Garden of Eden. Among myriad examples of such behavior in Scripture, King David's adultery with Bathsheba and her subsequent pregnancy led David to orchestrate the death of her husband, Uriah the Hittite, at the forefront of battle, stands out as a truly aggregious example of "getting away with murder." And, of course, being the king, David could hide his behavior and actions from everyone - except himself and God.

Except, perhaps, for those persons who are truly "anti-social" - such people seem to have no consciences at all - most people can't run away from their actions. Their guilty consciences trouble them for most of their lives. Physical maladies, mental instability, and depression are often the result of unresolved guilt and unacknowledged sin. What's more, if people don't acknowledge God, they're stuck with the consequences of their behavior with no hope for resolution. At the same time, even those who acknowledge God, try to hide their behavior and guilt from Him - an exercise is futility and an added burden that kills hope and peace in one's life.

Rather than being burdened with "getting away with 'murder,'" God calls us to repentance and promises His grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness for all who repent and believe His promises. David's guilt weighed heavily upon him and his behavior had dire consequences for his family's and his lives. Yet, upon the urging of the prophet, Nathan, David, by God's grace and blessing, was led to repentance and granted God's peace and forgiveness. While the consequences of his behavior were still to be felt, David knew he was no longer alone - God had declared him forgiven and loved - and he could go on with his life of service to God and others.

So also is it for all who trust in God's promises in Jesus Christ. By faith in Jesus we are assured that our sins are forgiven and that our hope is in heaven with the Lord. We are confident, by faith in Christ, that God is ready and willing to forgive us of all our sins when we turn to Him in repentance and faith. We are assured that there's nothing, no sin, no danger, no trouble, nor any power or circumstance outside of ourselves that can take us away from God's love in Christ (Romans 8:38, 39). By God's grace, and in His great mercy, we can be certain that no one, especially His children, is "getting away with 'murder.'" Everyone will ultimately be held accountable for their sins - with God's promised forgiveness in Christ granted unequivocally to those redeemed by faith in Christ.

Prayer: Gracious Father, I thank You that You don't allow me to "get away with 'murder,'" but that You call me to account for my sins through my conscience and the power of Your Word and Spirit. Your Word convicts me of my sins and shows me my need for my Savior, Jesus. Your Spirit continues to work in my heart to keep me focused on You and to guide me out of the morass of Sin which would blind me to Your grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness. Father, I pray that You would never allow me to hide from my sins, nor try to hide them from You. Rather, let my life be a living example of Your love and forgiveness as I readily acknowledge and repent of my sins in witness to Your amazing grace. Clothe me in the righteousness of Christ, wash me clean from my sin in His precious blood, and fill me with Your Spirit so that I may be a loving and winsome witness of Your salvation in Christ to others. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright @2006 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.