Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Christmas - Basking In The Warmth Of The Son

"Today's Devotion" For December 6, 2005

Read: Malachi 4:1-6; Galatians 3:26-4:7


"But for you who revere My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall." (Malachi 4:2)

"Baby it's cold outside." So goes a line from a "holiday" song heard frequently this time of year. Well, looking at the weather map of the United States this morning, it's reasonable to say, "Baby, it's cold outside!" According to meteorologists, the temperatures we're currently experiencing in most of the nation are forty-degrees below normal for this time of year. (Curiously, there hasn't been any of that "global warming" talk in the past few weeks of unseasonably cold weather.)

Around the country, people are experiencing the kind of weather that has encouraged generations of people to "go South" for the winter (and winter doesn't start, officially, for about 15 days). Many people in the United States have a long history of "chasing the sun" during the winter months, desiring sunshine with warmth, green instead of brown, and leaves instead of skeletons that crowd the landscape during the winter. For many, while the snow on the ground is beautiful, especially when it first falls, seeing the snow for too long actually depresses many people. Perhaps you've heard some "snow birds" decry the beauty of the snow turning into filth as it soaks up the grit and grime of road and air pollution.

Christmas is all about warmth as well. It's all about the warmth of the Son of God, a warmth that fills the heart of the believer with hope and peace, knowing that the Son of God brings the fullness of God's grace, mercy, and love to bear in the lives of people. As we noted last week, the history of the Christmas celebration as a solemn feast goes back to a time where pagan ritual and worship of various gods kept people in the cold darkness of Sin, living and dying without ever knowing and experiencing God's love in their lives. We noted also that the Christian Church, in order to get the light of Christ's love out to the world and to counteract the influence of the pagan celebrations and customs on the Christian community, determined to celebrate the birth of God's Son on that day.

People seek the sunshine and its warmth during the long, cold winter months in the northern climes. Going down south, chasing the sun, brings relief from depression and seasonal affective disorders that are so prevalent during the cold, stark winter months up north. Yet the One who can bring the true and lasting warmth of God's love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness into people's lives is frequently ignored, forgotten, or maligned. He came to earth so that people might have life to the full (Jn. 10:10). He came to earth so that people could bask in the warmth of God's love and forgiveness through faith in Him. Sadly, however, the warmth and "Sonshine" of God's love and mercy never reach a lot of people. The very time set aside for the celebration of this great and wondrous gift from God becomes a spiritually cold and stark observance, with no real meaning except vague concepts of peace, hope, and love which humanity strives to attain, but fails so miserably to accomplish.

Redeemed in Jesus Christ and restored to the Father in heaven through faith, God's people, you and I, bask in the warmth of the "Christmas Son." We rejoice that God, in "the fullness of time," sent Jesus, His Son, to be our Lord and Savior from Sin. The Lord of lords and the King of kings took on our flesh, experienced the cold realities of living in a sinful world, and, overcoming the temptations to disobey God that we often face, and to which we all too often succumb, brought the warmth of God's love and grace into our hearts. No matter how cold it gets - whether it's the cold of winter or the cold of people’s hearts and actions - as God's redeemed and beloved children in Christ, we are filled with the warmth of the Son. Our sins are forgiven. We have a sure and certain hope of heaven. We relish God's love. We live in His peace. When all is said and done, the "Christmas Son" overcomes all the starkness and coldness of a lost and dying world and fills our lives with His warmth - forgiveness, mercy, grace, and love.

Prayer: Father, in spite of the coldness of the world toward the celebration of Jesus' birth, I pray that You would keep me focused on the warmth of Your love for me in Him. You have given me new life and hope, in the midst of a lost and dying world, so that I might live with You even now on earth. By Your grace, mercy, and love You have filled me with hope and peace no matter how difficult life becomes. With the "Christmas Son" shining in my heart, I am blessed to be a blessing to others. As I receive Him each day in my Baptism, as He comes to me by through the Word and Spirit, help me to once again, on the solemn feast of Christmas, once more receive Him specially as the Sonshine of Your grace and love to the whole world. In Jesus' precious name I pray. Amen.

--Pastor Boeck

Copyright ©2005 Rev. Richard J. Boeck, Jr. All rights reserved.

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